Take it you didn't read my previous comments about her then supporting her stance. The comments i made that you quoted was nothing to do with that lady at all.
When I made that comment I was thinking of all the panic buyers we've seen, all the people in Liverpool behaving like dicks on that night out, people refusing to wear masks for no reason when Im protecting them... not the slant you've chosen to put on it. I work in mental health for a living, I'm hardly going to take that attitude am I?!?!?
Some people are so self absorbed that if they hear or read anything that could increase the risk to themselves, no matter how small, they believe that person is being selfish. That the person is talking about the greater good for all society doesn't matter, they simply don't understand that, they only understand what can affect them and if it can the person is selfish. It has been evident throughout this pandemic when the fact that the restrictions brought in are actually hurting people means not a thing to them, the only thing that matters is their exposure to Covid-19.
The problem for some is that she's showing independent thought. She's viewed the current situation, used her years of life experience and come to her own conclusion about how it is going to unfairly impact the young in years to come. She can see the forthcoming problems, and she's almost willing to sacrifice herself to try and mitigate it. She's not doing what she's told, she has a healthy dose of cynicism - that also seems to be an issue. It seems some only like 'rebels' when they think as they do.
Who is saying on here that she's doing anything wrong? I think we're all pretty much in agreement with her aren't we?
She's been called selfish. imho she's anything but. And I'm making a more general point regarding reaction in the world outside this site
No worries. Personally, I couldn't care less about whether I get covid or not- it will either happen or it won't I can only try and minimise the risk. Off the top of my head, I don't have any family members who are at higher risk either so have no vested interests in looking out for anyone other than being concerned about the impact upon my employer - the NHS - and the wider population. I am also equally concerned about the impact on society and people's livelihoods. It isn't one or the other as some seem to make out.
That's the saddest part for me. If everybody just followed the guidelines it would be better for everyone.
She could, how many laps has she done around her garden? I think they forgot to ask that. She told them everything else, bless her.
That’s not how it works, if you’re wearing a mask and doing your best social distancing that won’t protect you from a nob not wearing a mask coughing all over you and your shopping. we wouldn’t need any laws at all if we could just trust everyone to do the right thing. The fact we do means your faith in people is misplaced.
She's anything but selfish... Its been a massive farce this. The government's haven't helped one bit. Telling us its nothing and Then telling us its serious. Changing their minds about everything. Telling us we can do one thing, then we can't do another. Telling us masks won't work and then now they will. Although I do wear a mask to go shopping etc In respect to others.
She used to be a customer of ours before covid took our custom away. She always called a spade a spade but in a nice chatty kind of way.
I'm convinced by this governments incompetence from day one at the beginning of the year to fight this pandemic correctly as brought about a culture of just look after your sen and F^^^ the others it's caused, good men against good men no-one knows anymore what to do for the best that pr1ck Dominic Cummings driving around the country to test his eyesight with a child in his car sum's it all up we are lions led by donkeys.
As usual there is no clear answer to this . She obviously has every reason to have an opinion on how she wants to live out her later years,and for how others are affected. But can’t help thinking a lot of folk on here have used her interview to reiterate their views ( As I suppose I am) The other side of the argument to ‘good for her‘ is what if loads of others use this to say yeah fit let’s crack on ( shall we say the ‘Cummings effect’ )like the same ones who shall we say are not particularly keen on masks etc. Then ask yourself how you would think if you are a doctor, nurse, or any hospital worker or parents , grandparents of same, who then have to put themselves at risk to pick up the pieces, Then remember selfishness cuts both way
It really wouldn’t surprise me if the **** handed management of this crisis was designed as a plan to bankrupt the state to throw all its services to its friends . I don’t think that’s as mad hair brained scheme as it sounds . I wouldn’t put it past this cess pool running the country,after all they hate public service and apart from the nuclear deterrent have no use for public service as most of their (real ) friends can afford to not be dependant of them .