Brian the blade. His success rate is phenomenal. Won every league he’s managed in. Will have to take his word for it. He doesn’t like to gloat.
I reckon the unknown guy is the preferred candidate. Even press don't know who it is. The club normally go for the guy no one knew about.
I get the feeling Ismael is the preferred candidate. I feel like had he not been, Dane wouldn't have confirmed his name in the press. He could have said, 'I'm not willing to confirm names at this time', but to categorically confirm he's being considered suggests to me that he's probably the favourite. He didn't even explicitly confirm Murray was being considered (although it appears he's the English candidate). I just think it would be strange for him to confirm a name who isn't the lead candidate as someone who is being considered. I could be well wide of the mark like.
I don't think you are wide of the mark Archey at all. However, DM was asked a direct question to which he gave a direct reply. If the interviewer would have known any other names maybe he would have been able to "name drop" them into the conversation. Hope it'll be announced soon, ideally before the game Saturday