Are police suddenly going to walk into bars and go round tables working out if you're having a meal or a snack?
Thats the question we are all asking Going back to that farcical document from Preston council - or it would be farcical if it wasn't an official document - what legal grounds do they have for defining that a plate of sandwiches isn't a substantial meal. When I worked in an office and we went out for a pub lunch on occasion it would be quite likely that some of us would have sandwiches where maybe someone else would have a burger and chips Lasagne and Salad is defined as a meal - does that mean a plate of lasagne on its own is not Also who wrote this drivel - cant even get their grammar correct referring to people "sat" at a table. When I went to school it was people sitting at a table.
Some forces will - the same ones that were searching shopping trolleys for non essential purchases last lockdown
I think when the measures don't work the pubs and bars will be closed again. It's obvious the government are ignoring the Elephant in the room which is the colleges and schools going back starting the wave. Once this is realised they won't go back on what they've done. They'll compound the misery with a National Lockdown.
We're heading back to prohibition. Supermarkets are being ordered to stop selling clothes as they are non essential. Cigarettes and alcohol are non-essential are they going to be taken off too?
Should be in Wales all bars, restaurants and non essential shops are closed and we cant leave the area. We’ve got the lowest infection rate in the uk. 7 deaths yesterday (Covid related)
They wont do a national lockdown they will just move everyone to tier 3 in stages making the process as long and painful as possible. Hoping not though - where I am the rate has been flat for the last 2 weeks hoping it stays that way
The government have closed pubs in tier 3 areas but not restaurants. Pubs that serve a "substantial meal" can be treated as restaurants, hence all this lunacy. Why keep restaurants open and close pubs? I don't know. Why close pubs when the vast majority of infections are taking place elsewhere, places that remain open? I don't know. Ask Boris.
Still quite low just up the road in Egham until Royal Holloway Uni went back, seems to be on the rise again now
A flat closure and furlough was what was needed. Another half arsed measure causing confusion and grey areas.
But we had one and did the hard work and this useless govt let it all slip and now we are back to square one. Allowing the students all back to university mixing with others from all around the uk without any test or trace provisions in place. What a shambles.
lol mate, I meant that they need to be actually providing food, not just "lay the table", otherwise they'll be in breach of the guidelines and will be closed down
Not sure that would work John, the only thing I can think they are an ingredient of is a dry Martini.