My wife and I are both over 80. Can our daughter come to our house to offer care/help/support under the new guidelines from tomorrow? As far as I can see, we are classed as "vulnerable" simply by being over 70.
Just one support bubble allowed and I dont know GeorgeRobledio or his circumstances but his daugter can only bubble if she lives alone Its irrelevant though as visits to provide care for the over 70's is allowed
yes a bubble is allowed if the people are in different tiers so someone in tier 1 can bubble with a tier 3 but a support bubble must only have one person in one of the households (unless its a childcare bubble which is a bit different)
Id have thought so - especially if she helps out with anything I never visit my parents without helping on at least one of a list of jobs my dad has saved for me
Just seen that scotland are moving to a 5 tier system Ubelievably even in Tier 5 when almost everything is banned the schools still operate normally I think either I am mad or the rest of the world is
We have my parents to help with childcare, both live in tier 3, are they both ‘Technically’ allowed to be in the bubble or just one of them?
You're now quoting government guidelines at me? How ironic. If I choose to wear a face mask round my elderly parents because in my opinion it reduces risk of transmission (namely an asymptomatic one, especially when I've a child at school) then that's my choice. I'd encourage people in a similar situation to do the same because imo nobody wants to be left knowing they didn't make the effort in wearing one should they unwittingly pass Covid on and the worst happens....
I think he was pointing out it isnt actually obligatory - I agree with you though when I have been at my parents in recent times and doing something close to them like helping Dad setup his iFollow I have put a mask on. Taken it off if at the other side of the room watching telly though but its arguably an unnecessary risk. That was a few weeks ago though - havent been up since end of September and its a bit of a grey area if I can come to a tier 3 area and stay overnight - If anything happens and I need to be there I would go regardless of what the letter of the law says but at the moment they are coping so I am staying away
Would you like to explain why it's ironic, Alanis? You said they're obligatory, you were wrong, they're not. I'm just countering the misinformation. It's absolutely your choice. Just as it's people's choice not to if they don't want to.