Lots of Tory voters do it because they feel they'd be viewed as weak if they voted for a party which helps those in need, including themselves - much better to be able to say "I don't need any help, I vote Tory because I've always pulled myself up by my bootstraps and looked after myself". It makes them feel middle class and above all the people who aren't ashamed to admit they need a helping hand.
Great reaction from the Penistone Chippy. At least some are showing some community spirit and trying to look after one another
If that was a reply to my post I can only assume you didnt read it properly. I did not suggest that only one sections used the cheap facilities
the Tory Party are by definition a selfish party the fingers are always in the troughs by bypassing the relevant public services and handing to their mostly incompetent and greedy friends . I say mostly incompetent because lots of them fail because of the greed and don’t even try to do the job . The Selfish ******** quote was for the Tory’s .
Penistone Chippy offers real value for money. Always give you plenty and their portions are always tasty. For around ten years Wakefield Duke of Edinburgh Award used to do their Bronze expedition in and around Ingbirchworth and Penistone. As the trainees supervisors we used to call in the Bridge End Chippy and Greggs to get some food on the go. Still call in if in the area.
I'm in two minds about stuff like this if I'm honest. On one hand I'm blown away by people's goodwill and think it is fantastic. On the other I feel we are in danger of letting the govt. get away with it if places up and down the country follow suit. They shouldn't have to do this, food banks shouldn't exist, charities such as help for heroes shouldn't exist... whilst I am glad they do in some ways, in another it annoys me we're letting them get off scot free.
Again they fail to realize that once they were a child and needed help and support . Once they reach adulthood all is forgotten and they seem to think they did it all on their own .
Miriam Cates is a very evil piece of work I have emailed her on 2 occasions in the past as she is my M.P. and the replies were what you would expect from this right-wing woman I will be sending her 1 more about the Penistone fish and chip oil.
You know Titus people were never in two minds about old Tom. I do agree though things like this should never happen but when you have a far-right Tory government anything can happen remember Thatchers far-right government taking away the school milk.
Truly wonderful gesture by the Penistone chippy and all those other businesses mentioned in this thread and those taking a ton in other parts of the country. Despite the despicable behaviour of those MPs who voted against on this issue, its really heart warming to see that, still, in parts of this country, the human spirit endures and lives on. Great tweet from Marcus Radhford also....."the england I know"
When we get back out of tier three or whatever I will be personally looking to make myself a customer of Penistone Chippy and some of the other establishments that have contributed to this cause .
I'm not a Conservative and would never vote for them, but to be fair there were 5 who have principles and actually voted for the motion, Caroline Ansell, Robert Halfon, Jason McCartney (ex Calendar reporter!!), Anne Marie Morris and Holly Mumby Croft.
You are correct, I assumed a single pint at 4.5% abv. The actual calculation is 19.08p x %alcohol per litre. For 4.5% lager that would be 19.08 x 4.5 x 0.568 per pint or 50.6p For further clarification this only applies to beer/lager between 2.8% and 7.5% abv.