Also voted against the Agriculture Bill amendment, to enshrine food quality standards in law for trade deals. So doesn’t give a f.cuk about the local farming industry either. Unfortunately the previous Labour MP was a complete waste of space as well. The only person who actually does anything for the community is Hannah Kitching. Unfortunately she’s Lib Dem, and never stood a chance in the election under Swinson
I love a question on accounts and duty!! for those drinking alcohol above 7.5% the duty increases to 24.77p per %. 10% beer would be 10 x 24.77 x .568 = £1.41!! Drinking lager of this strength the last worry would be the duty!!!
Thatcher took away school milk as education minister years before she became PM. Also from here I wouldn’t describe Thatcher as ‘far right’. She was a rampant capitalist (a novelty for the U.K.) but whilst she set the current state of the U.K. in train (driven by greed) she was nowhere near as right wing as the politicians she spawned (Patel, JRM, Raab etc). As for Boris, he has no political ideology, he’s a narcissist who will cling to any ideology that’ll make him ‘popular’ and lead to him earning more money.
Its a little hard when businesses are being forced to close by the government at short notice, and it can take several weeks to get any money even if the support is available - six for UC claims. But if you would rather kids starved, then go an look into a mirror. You might not like what you see.
You’re right. That’s a great consolation to the kids that won’t be able to eat, I’m sure. It’s all their fault, they should simply have been born to different parents. Stupid kids.
Of course if Is but for some it’s very hard and the food relief helps them in other ways ie school uniforms , clothes etc . the fact that this is prevalent now is down to ten years of Tory cuts to the poorest . This wouldn’t have been as big an issue eleven years ago . Of course there are a few parents who don’t look after their children as they should either through addiction , mental health or sheer neglect. These children shouldn’t be left to their own devices or overworked social services . To some the food outlets are a godsend . As an aside I used to go to school with someone who was neglected and thrived on free school meals as it was normally the only meal they got , Usually the neighbours helped these kids whose parents were alcoholics there was no help in those days and eventually they were taken into care , You may have thought that was best for these kids but I saw the reality . All they wanted to do was be with their parents despite the neglect and frequent beatings and the community they had been brought up in . They ran away from care at every opportunity and made their way back home . Saying it’s the parents fault and turning your back on the needy wasn’t in the DNA of the community I was brought up in .
Of course they are selfish. Their whole ideology is based upon Adam Smith’s theory of the ‘self-interested individual‘. And that’s why I detest them.
Normally JC, but their parents circumstances can unfortunately change quite drastically due to unforeseen or unplanned events beyond their control. During those times, you could expect that in a modern civilised society, the Government could intervene to ensure that people's basic needs of food and shelter are met , particularly as they claimed to be the party for all the people.
Didn't vote for her last time, won't next. She's been a shocking MP for our community, simply voted with her party on very vote, regardless of any impact closer to home.
A truly, truly pathetic post. Tell that to the kids that are going hungry through no fault of their own. Disgraceful.
I doubt very much you are represented at all mate. All tories are selfish ******** and the only people they will represent is themselves.