Still think it might be Murray's. They'll probably giving him tomorrow's game. In his latest interview he's talked about how they're beginning to 'build something'. Probably what he will be telling the board and they'll be interested to see what that is.
If Adam takes job and inevitably fails 12 months down the line hes out of a job ,so if he stays as a coach hes a job down at oakwell for as long as this crew are in charge .its a no brainer really ,gi it Adam
From the daily fail yesterday afternoon
I would imagine the reason it's took so long to appoint is that they were hoping Murray would register a couple of wins, get the fans onside, they could then appoint from within and save a few quid.
I'm desperate for a win tomorrow now because I think the names we've been linked with would be money wasted.
Agreed, iv seen nothing in any of them and I really don't see Murray as the long term option either. Iv no idea what the criteria is we are looking at but I thought we would have gone for a successful league 1 manager or a proven championship manager i.e Moore/cook. Obviously we back whoever is brought in but it hardly inspires confidence.
They always get it right with BFC, they broke Chien Lees takeover whilst there wasn't a sniff from Giddings, O'Kane etc..