Tier 2 - slides allowed to open. Tier 3 - slides not allowed to open (but pools still open). That’ll stop the Vid.
Just done some research and yes bpl have closed the slides and diving boards but I can't find any other leisure centres who have. Blackpool's sandcastle is in tier 3 and has a promotional video for half term that shows the waterslides and they even tell people on their website to remember that the government advice against travel to a tier 3 area is just advice not the law.
I suppose it’s because you have to queue for the slides and there’s the risk of people not socially distancing when doing so. I’d also assume having the slides closed means less people will bother going. But yeah, no idea why they can be open in one tier but not the other. None of it really makes much sense does it?
They can. Metrodome just chose not to for some reason same as they choose not to allow anyone from outside South Yorkshire to visit despite it being legal
I’m a member and up to Friday tea time classes were cancelled when tier three kicked in. After discussion and consultation the classes have now been reinstated. Personally, I’m delighted but the point I’m suggesting is that the slide situation may change.