My paramedic mate gave me a long and complex description of when Covid tests are done at our trust, and it doesn’t always involve a ‘test’. But just like my mate with cancer, you’ll just refute that
No that wouldn't be considered a covid death. Well it would on the death certificate but it wouldn't be included in the figures that are released each day.
The way the stats are counted is the 28 day rule. Just to keep it as a simple count. but it gives the conspiracy theorists something to hang their nonsense on. Obviously; 2020 has been a record year for people being run over by buses.
Thanks. It’s all just daft isn’t it? Knocked over by a bus = covid, dying of covid after a month on a ventilator = no covid.
Yes it's crazy. I do understand it to an extent because we've cut the NHS so much that they don't have time or resources to determine cause of death but it means that in all honesty the figures that are front page news everyday and dominate the news channels too are completely meaningless and should be taken with a pinch of salt.
full of people saying it’s not her life she risks its other people’s. I suspect she cares zero for others.
OK for response to fist paragraph see my post #110 yopu just illustrated my point. I don't defend the Govt (implicitly or otherwise) I note JamDrop and Supertyke 'likes' -no surprise there. Paragraph 2 (although, no doubt you will attempt to say my reply is defending the Tories) but you appear to assume the divisions are primarily their fault and limited to the shores of the British Isles and obsessed with domestic politics. Last time I looked the Tories only have ...ahem... (irony alert!!) 'control' over the UK . The divisions I was referring to are happening all over the World, and in spite of your desire to blame the Tories for everything I suspect they do not have that much influence, if any, in the rest of the World. God knows they have bugger all leadership and influence in changing hearts and minds of the Great British Public. Social media is a double edged sword, The ability to share information and expose things that used to be hidden or buried is the plus side...Malicious misinformation, conspiracy theories, rumours and Chinese whispers etc..all lead to dissatisfaction amongst groups of people, some justified and some downright completely unjustified. You can arguerightly it has taken some of the 'control' away from the Establishment but equally it has put some of that control in the hands of unscrupulous people with agendas who manipulate people who have their own agendas.
Wait til you start looking into the test results being announced. They dont take into consideration specimen date. There are positive tests being counted that were submitted over a month ago in the recent daily figures.
Everyone's opinion counts, but if someone insists that the earth is flat then their opinion obviously isbr as valid. Just as we all have opinions in BFC but they may well not be as valud as the coaches that work with the players day in day out.
The worry is of course the leader of the opposition wants a lock down whilst others do not , its no wonder we are all in a quandary is it .
You've described comedian Lee Hurst perfectly (not that he's a reds fan). Check out his Twitter account, the man is clearly struggling with his mental health. He's lashing out at anyone and everyone, totally typifies the government's failings. You can only criticise for so long and then feel helpless. To then go into denial about the predicament and then become self centred is exactly what this government want.
Quit the sarcasm. You called me "thick" twice a couple of weeks ago for holding a different view to you.
Do you drink alcohol? In England in 2018/19, there were 1.26 million hospital admissions related to alcohol consumption (7.4% of all hospital admissions), In the same period there were 358,000 admissions where the main reason was due to alcohol. I hope given your concern for hospital capacity you support the banning of alcohol?