A couple of my colleagues on our ward have underlying health issues. One is middle aged and has type 1 diabetes. She works three to four 13 plus hour shifts a week on rota and regularly shoves an overtime shift in too. She's probably as fit as me but would be dismissed on here if she died from covid "as someone who had an underlying health condition". Not referring to you btw.
Very concerning mate. Just the thought of 3 old friends in their mid 50’s. What’s the odds unless all had serious underlying issues. I personally have not had any friends die of it. .Most would be in that age group or above. Quite a few lately gone before their time but not Covid related.
My son his wife and my grandson are now 11 days into contracting COVID. My wife has had a Face time session with our daughter in law. Mercifully all three of them have felt a bit better today. My son has had it the worst. Said he felt as though he was going to choke at times, that his legs felt as though they were hollow and as a diabetic, caused by an illness he had three years ago, his blood sugar levels have been all over the place. Been sending him clips of our games at Stoke and Millwall from You Tube, as he didn't have the energy to watch the games live on iFollow. Must be feeling better as they are going to watch our game against QPR tomorrow.
My brother died last week from multiple issues. He spent the last week of his life in the Covid-negative section of an ICU. The day before he died, effectively on his deathbed, he suddenly tested positive for Covid and was transferred to the positive section of the ICU. In no way was Covid a factor in his passing, but it found its way onto his Death Certificate.
So very sorry to hear of your loss ST. Try to remember the good times you had with your dear brother and hopefully that should give you some comfort during what is bound to be an extremely sad time for yourself and your family.
Probably dampens the herd immunity argument even further but points to an even more difficult pathway out of things.
yeah I’d guess so. Though most coronavirus become less intense the more you get it so the need for that may decrease
That's a sad story Marlon. I was just thinking the other day that I'm now the same age as my Grandad was when I was born. He died of lung cancer from smoking and from being a glass-blower at Woods Factory. My Mum told me last year that he had lung cancer when I was a kiddy, but managed to live until he was 67 (I was around 14 at the time). I remember he couldn't walk or run about much when we were playing on holiday, but he did his best. Mum told me also that he went through agony just to walk a few hundred yards and he was out of breath constantly. He was never on any oxygen masks or anything but as kids growing up we never knew the agony he was going through just to see us.
Looks like some good news https://www.thenational.scot/news/18824501.oxford-covid-vaccine-effective-age-groups-trials-suggest/
A vaccine will be stronger then a natural immune response. What's worrying is since the story got released earlier today many already don't want to believe what ICL are saying when they stand to make a lot of money if the entire world has to take their vaccine once or twice a year long term. It's seen as them peddling fear for their own needs. Antibodies were always going to lower over time and not stay at the same level.
As I was leaving work in Paddington last night I was walking down the road to the station . I have to pass St Mary's hospital and on the main road outside there were 2 ambulances and 3 police cars with lights flashing and a policeman directing pedestrians to the other side of the road. Thought there'd be someone collapsed or something but then noticed a couple of people in haz mat suits and realised they were about to take people out of the ambulances and through the door that has been closed during the epidemic. As they weren't using the main entrance where the ambulances normally go in it was pretty obvious what the poor sods in the ambulances were suffering from Brought it home in no uncertain terms that this thing is real Had a sleepless night as couldn't stop thinking about it but nothing compared to whatever those poor people were going through A well worn cliche I know but makes dropping points in a football match seem very trivial Hope everyone stays safe and sorry for anyone who has suffered loss
https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/covid-19-daily-deaths/ Looking at the spreadsheet just released for today Barnsley had 3 deaths announced and they all came on Sunday, so there is no lag. I can't help but think of the staff working with the Covid patients especially on that day. When despite how hard you try three people die on the same day. NHS staff will never be paid enough.
UAE Team Emirates rider Fernando Gaviria tested positive for coronavirus for a second time this year which is why he withdrew from the Giro d'Italia.
I think we can trust a director of Sepsis charity. He's got more sense than whoever sent this letter asking for someone exempt from wearing a mask to wear a mask.....
That actually sounds look something far worse than covid. Two ambulances, 3 police cars, people being moved out of the way and hazmat suits worn? For someone being taken into hospital with covid? Sounds more like protocol for someone with ebola