If we are not factually correct, then we are nothing But I did read recently that the two largest European ancestry groupings in America are those of German, then Irish descent, with English 3rd.
I never said they were pro Brexit evidence...if you go back to the thread they pertain to, they were provided as balance to that post.
Apparently, our government are now asking for our citizens to be able to use the fast-track gates at EU airports now. Why don't they understand that "Brexit means Brexit" and neither Canada nor Australia citizens can use them?
Too funny. I wonder if we might ask for some sort freedom to remain and possibly live and work once there. They could even think of a snappy name for it and then wave some flags. Fish.
If you believe that, then I've got some Magic Beans for sale. It may say Heinz on the tin but they really are magic. You just have to wish hard enough. £90 a tin - a bargain I'm sure you'll agree. Although, I may have to up the price once the realities of Brexit hit. I don't want to be making a loss on them, after all.
Not exactly the full story Scoff...Steve Peers is being economical with the truth.....UK recognises the use of biometric passports from a number of countries, and the kit was supposed to be in place to deliver this system Europe wide pretty soon anyway. The article goes on to say ..."It is understood that EU capitals have been informed that it may be possible for UK nationals to use the e-gates at some point in 2022 should a new IT project registering entry and exit be rolled out by the EU on current schedule. The system’s introduction has already been delayed by two years."
so you don’t want to muse why there is an obsession with US in our media, amongst our leaders and large parts of our public, as opposed to our nearer European neighbours? No worries.
Some people just want their country back, forgetting how many we have living here who come from abroad and make our nation better........
I note on Thursday the government dropped the minimum salary requirements for immigrants from 35k to 25k. the gammon won’t have noticed because it wasn’t splashed on the front of the daily mail. Just another lie they were told/promised however that’s now changed. This is a a tiny change for the better but it doesn’t really improve matters that greatly.
Just had a butcher's at this individuals previous tweets, she's clearly a bigot who on this viewing could warrant investigation for racial incitement and religious intolerance. Another one of Tommeh's followers.
Some good news at last as the price of buying soya sauce should go down. I am so glad the official account took the time to set the tweeter straight....
Under EU-Japan, the tariff on Soy sauce is also 0% so that applies to us anyway until December 31st. However, the soy sauce in my kitchen was made in China (Lee Chun Kee) or Poland (Panda). The best selling Japanese brand in the UK is Kikkomans, which is made in Holland. All 3 brands will attract 6% tariffs from January 1st (Lee Chun Kee already does).
wonder how far back she wants to go. Those Christians can do one as far as I'm concerned. Back to the Old Gods - Traditional Gods with Traditional values!! /s
We currently pay 0% tariff on soy sauce as we are part of the EU and therefore don't trade on WTO rules with Japan. This deal with Japan means that the tariff will stay at 0% (so not any cheaper) rather than go up to 6% if we leave the EU without a deal. They are bragging about nothing changing and trying to make it sound like they've improved things when at best it will remain the same as it already was. Also, check your bottles of Soy sauce, are any of them from Japan? We tend to buy from China and the biggest Japanese brand we do buy says 'Made in the Netherlands' all over the bottle so that will go up to 6% tariff under WTO if we don't get a deal with the EU.
For anyone who didn't see the original tweet btw where they specifically say it will be made cheaper:
It's sad that Brexit has reduced people to discussing the price of a bottle of soy sauce. Very sad.....
Technically, discussing the government lying about future reductions to the cost of a bottle of soy sauce when most except high-price imports from Japan will increase in price.
Its sad that the Government is illegally using the civil service to tweet propaganda which is false - I dont think any of us care too much one way or another about the duty on a bottle of soy sauce - I probably buy a bottle a year - if it goes up by a few pence I dont think I will care overmuch. If . So why does the government send out lying tweets on this topic
F××× EU it's less than 100 years since we bailed the the French from the Germans, like a lot of businesses men all over ( Europe) guzzling