That's horrible to read and likely will only get higher. Here in Huddersfield we have 96 patients with 8 in intensive care...... We keep hearing of tier 3 but our MPs from different parties released a statement last night being against it which is the right idea..... Being a university town we were always going to see a spike when they returned. If you click on 'data' then Kirklees is already levelling off........ Tests per day have risen by a couple of thousand in just a fortnight and keeps going up to find a similar amount of infections.
Rate in Rotherham has increased to 463/100000 and is expected to reach 490 by Friday - currently the *lowest* in South Yorkshire. Sheffield is 597, and Barnsley/Doncaster have shot up in the last week. 105 currently in Rotherham hospital and 226 have died in the town since March. It does look like the rate of increase is slowing, which is the only good news. And Nottinghamshire to enter Tier 3 this weekend has just been announced.
A big positive is that hospitals will be better geared up to dealing with patients from both a procedural and medical point of view. They know an awful lot more about treatment than they did before and it's probably fair to say many more people will survive than would otherwise have done back in March/April etc...
Yes, the prognosis among all those infected will be better than in March as long as the NHS isn't overwhelmed with patients. At that point, shortages of drugs, equipment, beds and the tiredness of medical staff will unfortunately see deaths increase.
Wow I thought Kirklees was high at just under 300 per 100000. I am glad northern Tory MPs have got together and want Boris to come out with a plan to get places out of lockdown. You can't forget about areas and keep them in a tier indefinitely. There comes a time when you need to give them hope that it's nearly over and that should be with a massive increase on testing. For example in 14 days or a so Kirklees has gone from over 7k to now over 9k tests a day. If they ramped it up here to say 20000 a day for two weeks the rate would drop far quicker, places could be under less restrictions and people would be happier. This bit about Leeds is bad..... 237 covid patients with 25 in critical care which is bigger numbers than the first wave. Decent article about Sweden here.
The projection map should worry us all. The second wave is expected to have more deaths than the first and it's not a surprise because even though the first lockdown wasn't done properly, it was still better than what's currently happening. Christmas this year will be like nothing we have ever experienced for being rubbish.
We were quarantining arrivals from countries with rates over 20/100000. It is looking at the moment that nothing short of closing non-essential shops, all pubs and schools in the worst areas will halt the progression.
It's looking that way now, and I honestly haven't got the energy to get mad. I'm just too fed up of all the garbage being churned out. The idea of saving Christmas ( 1 bloody day) shouldn't be the main driver, it misses the point on why its spreading and how we're back to square one.
I presume unis will be on line and remote learning after Christmas. Holding students under house arrest won’t work when they go home and don’t come back. The rate in Barnsley has trebled in no time at all to the 8th worst in the country. It's got the highest infection rate in South Yorkshire and look at some of the Barnsley regions listed the rates are so high.
The government just don't want to admit they're to blame for the second wave. They were warned by teachers what would happen. They didn't listen.