So now Labour have been found to have broken the law around anti semitism. Must be the norm down in Westminster with first the Tories on the internal markets wording and now this. See how Starmer handles it now, getting the usual who you gonna string up off Tower Bridge type questions. Our media are so grown up aren't they. Most questions attacking Corbyn, trying to get Starmer to label him directly rather than asking what processes have been put in place etc.. All things political always turn into a witch hunt with someone needed as a scapegoat. Boris and his pals will be lapping this up thinking all the pressure to deliver is off them for a while... Anyway, had to switch the news off. How many times can Starmer apologise and explain the report is being fully reviewed etc but the media only interested in getting the pitch forks out.. I'd just keep saying refer to answer number one you morons. Those saying it was all Corbyn are equally as daft as someone labelling another party fully based on the actions of a handful of people etc. A bit like saying all football fans are hooligans because one gets arrested for fighting in the days when we were allowed at grounds. Move on media FFS and give us some good news stories, surely there are some out there!!
It would put things in to context if the Labour Party leaked Report was published. There is nothing in this report which wasn't in that one. The issues were there before Corbyn became Leader. A few of the Compliance unit whose religeon I won't mention were feeding Corbyn with fake information that they were taking action. Corbyn was obstructed by people in the compliance unit.
Mr Corbyn doesn't accept all of the he findings of the report just the ones that don't lay some of the blame at his door. He says the labour party didn't have the structure in place to deal with all the anti Semitic complaints the were coming in when he took over. Well jezza old chap that may be because before you took over, the labour party didn't get that many complaints because the anti Semitics kept quiet because the knew they'd be chucked out. But because when you became leader your mates like Livingstone were seen by others to get away with it your cult decided they could do what the wanted and started driving Jewish members out.
The increase in complaint's came from few people. One person made 3/4 of all complaints and choked the system up. Did you know this?
I don't believe I've met anyone antisemitic. Not saying they don't exist, obviously, but I genuinely, in 38 years, have never heard any racial slur aimed at Jewish people.
A complete and utter breakdown of leadership... I was a supporter of Corbyn and his ideas were generally good but he didn't at any point have any control over the party or the people out campaigning. This broadchurch they speak of never existed for nearly 5 years which was a shame and the party is going to need to fix that and people accept other opinions are welcome if we are to do well in 2024. The far left I'm sure will see this as an attack on them and take no responsibility for the report but it needed doing so we can move forwards with a leader who can show some authority and make us electable again.
A lot of people, even in high places, seem to mistake criticism of Israeli national policy with antisemitism. Whether that’s through ignorance or wilful calculation is not always clear. I’ve been accused of being antisemitic in Labour because I don’t think bullets are the appropriate response to two Palestinian kids throwing pebbles.
Attilla the stockbroker sums it up well. There was (and doubtless still is) anti Semitism in the Labour Party. There were and are people (I have met a few) who think Jews are part of some global financial-political conspiracy, who single out Israel as the one state in the world they consider has no right to exist, who allow their pro Palestinian antiZionism to warp into antisemitism, sometimes consciously, sometimes not. That is batshit. There are also people who think simply criticising Netanyahu/Likud/the far right policies of the current Israeli government constitutes antisemitism, that opposing rapacious bankers and capitalism in general is antisemitic (which itself is antisemitic since it upholds the trope that capitalism is Jewish) and - worst of all - there are far right racists who accuse lifelong anti racists of racism for being anti Zionist. And there are many Tories, Jewish and non Jewish, who are prepared to go along with anything they can make political capital out of. That is also batshit. I am standing firmly in the middle, looking at my family, my friends, indeed my ancestors - and saying this. I don’t trust Tories, who does? I trust fellow socialists. In this instance, therefore, I don’t trust Jewish Tories (currently well over 50% at the ballot box) I trust Jewish Socialists. Jewish Socialists all agree that there was/is antisemitism in the Labour Party: they disagree as to how much and the effect it had. Jewish Socialists disagree about an awful lot: they need to disagree about less, and Zionism needs an equally powerful opposing force from within, as it had before the Holocaust changed everything. I would like to see the Bund revived, the diaspora celebrated and Israel removed from the grip of the far right - culturally, politically and in its day to day actions - and made a place of safety for EVERYONE. And I’d like to see every single antisemitic conspiracy theorist thrown out of the Labour Party and the issue put to bed. Labour antisemitism is not fake and it’s not institutional. It’s just there, as it is in wider society, and the one place where antisemitism should never rear its evil head is in the Labour Party. Both far ends of this argument are wrong. The middle is right. Revive the Bund. Di Shvue.
Honestly mate, me too. I’m glad it’s not just me. Heard every other form of racism it seems, which just seems mad to me.
This was commonplace language when I was growing up, and I doubt anyone using it as children even picked up on the reference. For years I thought it was another local colloquialism like 'laiking out', etc. I'm sure I used it myself as a child, to my shame.
Just a word Rubbish. Corbyn was undermined by the right wing of the party at every opportunity. I take it you have seen the leaked report where the Compliance Unit were feeding Corbyn fake information they they were dealing with complaints of antisemitism. I hope Strarmer has the guts to release the report but I doubt anyone who recieved funding from Trevor Chinn would want the truth to be known.
We said it all the time, but I don't think many realised it was a derivative of Jew. I didn't know how it was spelt and I've only recently seen it written, which makes the etymology obvious.