Would be potentially worse to send students home right now. Overwhelming majority of course work is online. Let them stay where they are. Schools, yes. It's not without other issues such as childcare, but it's clear that they're a high vector of transmission and then they come home and spread it some more. Some people (government then parroted by an unquestioning press) said it was a low risk but like any other virus kids pick it up and spread it about. It's possibly worse in some ways as asymptomatic spreading is likely a bigger problem as young kids more likely not to show symptoms. My kids primary has only seen 2 cases (and 2 year groups off since it opened back up), but I find it implausible they are the only cases.
What a great time to go to Barnard castle, build a property without permission, then say **** you all, my eyes weren't good at the time, so I couldn't see anyone build a house and therefore I'm not paying council tax on it, course my mate Boris will sort it out for me... Oh don't forget to take the illness as well and take your kid on a long journey with the wife as well...
Mortgage holiday period and furlough scheme ends today replaced by the less generous job retention scheme.
I think he meant pubs and restaurants had restrictions but supermarkets in lockdown were capped at a certain amount of people in the store ques outside ect. That's all gone out of window now as many in as they like touching everything.
Uni students need to go home isolate for 14 days and stay there to complete the year as it’s on line anyway. The reason they aren’t being instructed to do so is nothing to do with public health and everything to do with money. A large proportion will be going home over Christmas anyway. So if we do this half arsed lockdown for 4 weeks. The end of it will be timed for Christmas holidays when they then will be going home. They will then return and the cycle continues.
Will be interesting to see what Sunak comes up with, I notice once again there's no mention of test, track and trace being overhauled in the lockdown period. It's almost like the government don't want to restrain the virus, they know what's wrong but they won't go the whole way to improve things. I hate the idea of a lockdown but it's part of a multitude of things which need implementing together.
Seems to me they can’t and won’t admit they are wrong, they’d rather double down on decisions already made that were terrible in the first place. They knew in September cases would rise, they knew a month ago a lockdown over half term was a good idea (if we were to lockdown at any time) but they are so stupid/pig headed/evil they choose this path.
It would mean they had to acknowledge that privatising health care is a mistake and given their end game they won’t do that.
Too many landlords who will lose money, who undoubtedly vote Tory. In saying that universities are just as bad, they're still charging full whack for courses. It all boils down to money, no one wants to take a hit. The government won't give support and assurances to those individuals doing the right thing.
And there it is again, absolutely fantastical numbers produced by unnamed modellers quoted unquestioningly by the state broadcaster and used as justification for something that will cost more lives and misery. Back to March we go. 4,000 deaths a day ffs.
4k deaths is 'worst case if we do nothing' situation. Unlikely given something will be done, but given we had 1k a day with a back in March they look entirely plausible given the current rates of infection.
And was that modelling completed prior to, or post, the impact of local lockdown measures? If they’re already baked in, can you explain to me please the benefit of the last 7 months of restrictions that we’ve endured. And it’s a plausible scenario even despite mandatory mask wearing? I thought you all said they helped prevent transmission. Wow. I wonder what the numbers would have been without all those measures. Oh yes - exactly the ******* same.
I can't wait to hear the arseholes telling us they're key workers because the lockdown allows them to continue analysing data or because their job as an accountant or architect is unaffected
Horrible isn't it. I've just moved house and I can't imagine how bad it is for some people. I'm very fortunate that working in the food industry (specifically supplying supermarkets) it's been boom time for us. During the first lockdown I received about £500 in bonuses, a couple of food hampers and tripled my money on some company shares (with more to come in April) I have however had to live with the mental health consequences of lockdown, specifically the impact it had on my wife and kids. And trashing the economy will have a real detrimental impact on peoples health, both physical and mental for years to come. I still try and follow as many of the rules as I can out of respect for being part of a society but no longer all of them. I have started selfishly putting my families welfare first, we need a wider "support bubble" or we will be putting my wife and childrens health at risk. I refuse to do that again.
... and there'll still be people on here defending him. This is going to get really f*cking grim over the coming months.