And yet there’s a ‘plausible scenario’ bandied about with 4K deaths a day. Forgive me if I am sceptical of these two contradictory pieces of information.
Barnsley has university in the town offering university degrees. And has a campus. Was under Huddersfield university for some subjects. Taken over in 2013. Now Called UNIVERSITY CAMPUS BARNSLEY (UCB) Also we have a very high student population at A level.
Weirdly I'm sure he's just admitted that he games the system whilst simultaneously complaining that people have gained the system
That's bad news that is. But the Government won't care, I doubt there'll be too much money left in the coffers to furlough the country for Lockdown's 2, 3 and 4.
Please Please tell us all what are the right decisions.Tell the scientists,the politicians,all the worlds chiefs, were all waiting.
Im asking you, you’re the one who’s just said it’s plausible, so I want you to explain why you think it and why I’m wrong that it seems contradictory with the statement that masks are effective. You’re not going to persuade me by giving up and sulking.
Instead of this national tragedy bringing people together like the World Wars did it's dividing people more than Brexit ever did. Divisions created in society because everyone has an opinion on what should be done. Boris apparently had a meeting yesterday afternoon with Hancock, Gove and Sunak. This morning he's having an inquiry as to how the news was leaked to journalists last night. Surely it's not that hard as not that many people will have been told? Schools, colleges, universities and supermarkets are some of the very worst places for infections and they will all stay open whilst places more covid secure will be made to shut.
Watching the news last night, bloke in Nottingham felt he had to nip over the border because “the local bookies were closed and I like a bet”, then he popped in a for a pint as well while he was there. You just watch and think really?
How do they think the virus will be controlled by keeping Schools, colleges, universities and supermarkets open whilst other companies that have spent thousands to adhere to severe guidelines on social distancing have to close. The mind boggles. I wouldn't have that lot in Number 10 run a fcking raffle
It's horrible seeing it happen to people you know. So far at work we've lost about a quarter to a third of people. People I've known for years and have socialised with outside of work. Others are working part time. One has lost his home, another had to sell his car and I posted recently about someone who's wife had attempted to take her life. And this is all after the first lockdown. A second will absolutely devastate the company and I can honestly see it going causing around 50 local people to lose their jobs directly and quite a few at other companies to lose theirs too.
Its just typical behaviour by this government. Come to a decision > leak the decision to the press to see how the masses react to the news > act outraged about the apparent leak
It's crazy. Although my local supermarket these days is pretty dead. That could be for a number of reasons such as home delivery, WFH popping during the day or can no longer afford a big shop. Mask compliance was universal as well and where we used to have to queue for a staff member to tell us which till to go to by waiting down narrow clothing aisles you now go where you want as you normally would, which is better. The great reset could be a step closer with the country more dependent than ever reliant on the state so will comply.
You challenged the science with zero evidence but then demand me to provide some? Right. This is why I find it hard to discuss anything with yourself and others with a similar attitude (and have generally stopped doing so) because you see modelling and scenarios as written in stone promises sent down from the heavens. There's so many shades of grey, that's why they look at so many possibilities. As I said, those models will be at the worst end of the scale of those they calculated for and the media will ignore the more likely scenarios.
I took my Mum into Morissons in town yesterday afternoon and it was bloody mayhem. It was as though people don't care anymore, mostly using masks but no social distancing at all. It's just like they think that if they've got a mask they're immune or something. Crazy. Then wait for next week when they announce the lockdown