But Corbyn. I do honestly believe he would have handled the advice better. But before you denyers reply. We’ll never know. Cap fits wear it.
Which is exactly what I said would happen when the idea of masks was first suggested. People on here told me I was stupid but it was obvious that masks on idiots do more harm than good. They're the equivalent of giving American home owners guns to protect themselves with. In theory a good idea, in practice just leads to more deaths
We'll never know HF who could have a done it better. One thing is for certain though - we could pick 12 people off this Board and we wouldn't have done any worse.
Just having a dig mate. At the Corbyn wouldn’t have done any different brigade ( as if they knew for sure) . Hence my last sentence. They for sure have been playing that card from day 1.
Is it the wearing of masks that's done that or the first reason you gave of 'people don't care anymore'? I think people have just given up caring and they are wearing a mask because it is the law. When we're walking the guide dogs, we can't step out onto the road with them and whereas people used to give us 2m, or at least some distance, they just brush past us now. I've not seen a single person move out of our way for months, whereas virtually everyone used to at the start, and that's not because of masks as they aren't wearing one in the street. I honestly think a combination of: Dominic Cummings, Eat Out to Help Out, schools reopening, Johnson telling everyone to go back to work, Johnson telling an MP to 'show some guts' in the House of Commons when said MP of a seaside town asked what he was doing to make sure people were safe, university students being told to go back and general fatigue as made people fed up and skeptical of it all.
All we had to do was be sensible about how we went about our daily lives follow the rules and advice. All the government had to do was encourage us to be sensible follow the rules and advice. Problem is we have a buffoon in charge who thought him and his buddies knew better than the experts so he told everybody to go back to work and allowed people to go on holiday and best of all brought in the completely ludicrous eat out to help out scheme which packed out pubs and restaurants and now we have found out sowed the seeds of the second wave. We needed a leader for PM to get us through this not some bumbling clown whose controlled by an unelected adviser who as attained a status within government he hasn't got the intelligence to handle and whose entitled belief that rules are only for others destroyed what had been a sense of we are all in this together within the population and replaced it with an I'm all right jack attitude. Boris the clown was told we needed a second short time limited lockdown starting almost immediately on the 23/9 by the experts. We now face going into a second unlimited lockdown because Boris the clowns regional approach has failed just as he was told it would fail by the experts. The blame for the complete mess we are in as a country lies fairly and squarely at the doors of number 10 and 11 Downing Street and don't forget we haven't even started to feel the effects of Boris and Demonics pet project Brexit yet just wait until the first week in January when the fun really starts.
I agree JD, it's just general apathy at the constant "don't do as we do, do as we say" from the Government. Masks are being worn but it's just a token jesture imho. In the queue for the checkouts at the supermarket the other week (there is a one way system around several aisles at Morissons) I was at the front of teh queue i.e. next to be told which checkout to use when two women were walking towards me. They stopped about 1 metre in front of me and just stood there and looked up at me as if to say "move out of the way". I explained and pointed that the queue is over there. They remained stood looking at me. So I persisted and said the queue is over there. They just pushed past me in the end - ignorant to the extreme. What chance have we got with attitudes like that?
I wear face coverings all the time. ( down to being ugly ) But I went into Morrison’s in tarn as well yesterday . ( usually visit cortonwood) No distancing. No1 way system in the aisles. People stood in aisle’s queuing for checkout. Free for all around the fruit and veg. Whilst I’m a little concerned about the distancing. it’s a guide at best. I often forget myself and get too close, as the missus keeps reminding me. As we do not come in to physical contact with other customers. Other than handling the same products. ( Where the guidelines appear to be don’t touch unless buying. How many do that? ) I believe the mask is the best form of protection. A report yesterday said more layers of a mask protect better than single cotton based masks. ( who’d have thought. ) lots of countries have stuck to less distancing. Eg 1/1.5mts. Wonder if ASOS will claim to be essential. I am probably more concerned about the virus now than at any other stage. I am going on 64. Amber status. But as a key worker. And because of those responsibilities I support my role. Doesn’t mean I feel comfortable. Having to work alongside colleagues trying to do our best to follow the guidelines to the letter. Quite frankly impossible. Or the environment or water supply would be at risk. If things are not repaired or maintained.
The problem is that the government issued all these rules and regulations to contain the virus Then led by example....and very publicly flouted them Little wonder many people, seeing no end to the constantly changing, contradictory and confusing rules, think **** it, and then behave in a way that will ever more surely spread the virus. It's not much of an excuse but some people don't need much of one. The first "lockdown" wasn't really a full lockdown, it targeted millions of vulnerable people yet allowed flights into the UK to continue. 15,000 passengers a day flew in during April with no screening, no testing, completely uncontrolled, whilst the majority of the population were trapped in their own homes. Except for those classed as "key workers" which totalled 7.1 million people (including solicitors) The Chief Clown now wants to impose another half assed "lockdown" but to allow a large source of infection spreading (education) to continue. It's quite simply a bizarre, surreal scenario with no end in sight, and even if Bozo and his flying circus resigned today, the disastrous mess they have made will be a monumental task to overcome.
But that’s the whole point. Then these extreme worst case scenarios - which you rightly accept as highly unlikely (‘the extreme end of the scale’, in your words) - are used as the justification for the measures which you support.
It’s not just that though is it. There’s way too many people labouring under the misapprehension that if people were 100% adherent to measures, then we’d have zero Covid. It’s utter, utter nonsense and akin to victim blaming.
You do know it's entirely possible to support measures that stop the NHS being overwhelmed that don't involve anywhere near that number of people dying.
Yes, it is, if you’re happy to just guess that the number of lives the measures save is greater than the number it costs. Me - I’m not comfortable gambling with peoples lives that way.