They’ve made a massive difference, especially the single use ones.... they’re clogging up waterways around the world!
I don't think that's the case TM and I'v never seen anyone thinking there'd be zero covid. From the very start this has been about protecting the NHS, to slow the virus-not eradicate it. I think many people including Chief Calamity Clown have lost sight of this No-one is in any doubt that covid is here to stay for some considerable time and we can't afford to have our medical systems overwhelmed. I agree in itself wearing a mask isn't going to stop covid, in itself social distancing isn't going to stop covid. Better self hygiene in itself...etc etc, you get the drift, but taken together, the many things we can do will help slow the spread and protect our health services to enable them to treat the seriously ill, and carry on doing so until an effective vaccine is found.
You don't have to gamble anything to know that if hospitals are filled with Covid patients and normal operations are cancelled then people will die.
Yes, but the issue was/is that we don't have enough trained nurses to go work there. They might solve some of the problems, we certainly don't want snow, ice and cold weather, flu outbreaks etc. Winter can really put the NHS under pressure at the best of times...
Zero local cases again today. In densely populated Hong Kong. Pop. 7.5 million (i.e. more than Scotland). Virtually 100% mask wearing all year. Seems to help.
Hardly made a difference since masks were mandatory here and in the rest of europe if anything cases have rose. I just question weather peice of thin cloth is really going to make that much difference. Like already said the disposable ones are responsible for much harm to the environment wouldnt like to think how many have made there way into the seas, oceans and rivers.
I wasn't saying we'd have zero Covid nowhere in the post do I say that, but if everybody would have just used a bit of common sense we'd have kept a lid on it but some people are either stupid stubborn selfish or a combination of all three.and the government and PM are just incompetent fools. People will lose lives people will lose jobs, homes etc because we have an inept government and a section of the population who can't or won't follow simple advice and rules.
true re stats and that masks are only one factor, but what percentage of people are wearing masks and where? mask-wearing was initially community-driven here as anti-mask legislation was in place at start of year following the protests. wasn't a case then of complying with laws - total opposite in fact.
********! cases are rising because too many idiots aren't wearing them. I was in a mini supermarket in Bradford yesterday as part of my job while I was in several customers came in not one was wearing a mask the staff in the supermarket weren't wearing masks I wouldn't mind but this was a business owned and while I was in frequented by people of South Asian heritage one of the group's said to be most in danger from Covid. In August also as part of my job I visited many packed pubs and restaurants because of the government's ludicrously designed eat out to help out campaign which as it turned out should have been titled eat out to help out virus spreading. Like I said incompetent government + stupid selfish people = disaster.
But I honestly feel that the government only cares about how it looks on a league table. People obviously don't care about actual deaths because we didnt care who to use a tissue properly last winter and we don't care enough to save 100,000 lives a year by banning smoking. It's all about the league table not lives
As much as I take the point, and masks are a necessary evil right now, I really hope a post covid world doesn't involve mask wearing. That would be a thoroughly depressing and disproportionate reaction
On an unrelated point your username brought back many happy memories, started our honeymoon with 4 nights in Hong Kong back in 2009. Stayed in Mong Kok at the Langham Place Hotel (now called Cordis?). Incredible city.