That's right - rebranded. Great place to start a honeymoon. Had staycation honeymoon over on HK Island this September - we'll travel once the 2-week return quarantine is lifted!
First an announcement at 4. Then at 5. It’s now 5.30 and Johnson nowhere to be seen. We are being strung along by a complete and utter shower of incompetent buffoons
Delaying lockdown at the start. Sending kids to school and students to university accommodation. Not having a "circuit break" in September when scientists were begging them to. Bowing down media pressure (BBC and Sky)
Closing school only destroys the lives of the most vulnerable and poorest in society, I assume if we are that serious about it we should close supermarkets and people should be delivered food parcels - or are you on for minimum wage workers to risk Covid for you?
Absolute joke. Ruining lives. Costing jobs and homes. Literally causing suicides up and down the country but at least Boris knows what time a few celebrities are dancing in BBC 1
Schools should be closed until someone with half a brain realises that they need to be socially distanced. Supermarkets should be forced to remove aisles and social distancing should be enforced
In which case schools will have to close indefinitely, because you’re just pushing the problem down the road, covid isn’t going away, even after this lockdown it’ll be back again.
As I said closing schools isn't without serious issues. The few supermarkets I've had to go into were a mixed bag. Some were well sorted out, others not so. There should have been more regulations about 'crowd management' for use of a better word. There's no silver bullet with this, just bad and very bad situations. I don't envy any government, but clearly this one isn't up to the task.
I completely agree the government have been beyond parody, but closing schools just punishes kids and the vulnerable. Those who voted for this clown should be ashamed of themselves. And before anyone says it’s just as bad in “x” it’s not though is it? We have killed a higher percentage of our citizens then any European country except possible Belgium.
Hardly a surprise for any of us who remember the three weeks to flatten the curve ending up being three months. I can see Christmas being cancelled by it getting extended another month before for the start of January we go back to the tier system.