I'm not living in fantasy, I'm just making the point that a lot of the spade work had already been done. The same money wasn't thrown at it though. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/heal...s-vaccine-years-ago-then-money-dried-n1150091
I haven't read the article, sorry mate, it's late. I do agree with you, there's far more funding being thrown at developing a vaccine for Covid-19 than any of the previous coronaviruses. It won't even be in the same league, the funding available now is many factors above what was previously available. But it still doesn't mean we can do it. It doesn't mean we can't do it either, but as long as we haven't got it, we have to act like we don't, but we're not doing. To govern a country on the basis that we have something that doesn't exist is fk*cing stupid. And it's killing lots and lots of people. It's not OK.
Liverpool Red can get excited.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8907503/EVERY-resident-Liverpool-offered-Covid-test.html A regular test for the half a million who live and work in Liverpool to hopefully flush cases out. 2000 of the army involved to help and hundreds of testing sites sorted. If successful it will be rolled out more and more across the country. I much prefer that way to having a vaccine.
Didnt read that post.. sorry. I agree with you about the government to a point. However, there is no reason at all why a vaccine will not provide SOME respite such that people are encouraged to take it in a similar way to the flu vaccine. At the moment we will have to wait and see what the outcomes are but conspiracy theories about the Government (and they are conspiracy theories), however shi.te it is and has been have no credence. For me it is the Government's mismanagement and slowness to react that have been the main issues. My government has been incompetent. That's my take.
I can't understand that either. It's like they're either making it up, can't remember what they said previously or both
It appears we’re not the only ones that they’ve confused: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/20...-vallance-called-mps-explain-second-lockdown/
so why didn't they question the evidence before choosing to do a lockdown then? wtf is happening, I despair I really do
It’s a sh!te sandwich for students right now, we’re contracted to pay for a flat unused from last March until lockdown 1 ended and soon to be unused until this lockdown ends, 15k a year no grant. Her uni fees are the same despite lockdown and then going down to just one day a week in uni with two lectures and the rest online, the shop she works in closes again from tonight so she’ll have no income. As a (sensible) student she’s tarred with the same brush as the one’s out on the lash who are no different to most millennials of their age who’ve also been out on the lash but it’s all the fault of ‘the students’ In the meantime the teaching unions are calling for schools to be closed again as if they didn't get long enough off ( not furloughed, on full pay) first time around. Oh, and whilst on full pay Morrisons have seen fit to offer teachers a 10% discount whilst those students furloughed or unemployed can carry on paying full price. Lets not tar all students with the same brush.
What unfuriates me with this clown is the fact that pretty much every single decision he,s made from march he,s u turned on,after experts and the opposition told him they were bad moves, but its taken him weeks to do so,how many lives could he have cost because of his stubborn arrogance, and is he even listening to the experts or would he rather listen to his controller mr cummings..
You make some really valid points about students, who in my view have been one of the worst affected sectors of society by this pandemic, and ask them not to be all tarred with the same brush. But then you seek to demonise another sector of society in the same sentence, whilst also being factually incorrect as teachers didn't stop working and have time off. There is no one group of people to be blamed here.
It’s typical; we all know there’s only one perfect family in the country. his kids an angel but all our kids are drunken scum. And just because one of his wife’s mates knows how to pull his chain, he believes all teachers were not working. it doesn’t matter how many of us know teachers that worked, how many have kids who were being taught, work set and marked. The Omnipotent one knows better than all.
Not demonizing anyone, I have plenty of friends and colleagues who complained about lack of input from teachers first time around. Just as the media are portraying all students as irresponsible pyss heads. In both groups they’ll be those who do the right thing and those who don’t. I just don’t see why teachers ( not financially disadvantaged) should be offered a discount when those who have been disadvantaged by the situation pay full whack.
I never said anyones kids were drunken scum you sanctimonious ****. Don’t you dare bad mouth my family you certainly wouldn't do it in my company I’d take your fooking head off. Here’s hoping we meet up at some point we’ll see how clever a mouth you have then.
Ffs Do grow up. I never badmouthed your family. You however by default badmouthed everyone else’s. Or do you think those other ‘millennials’ don’t have parents, some of whom are ‘us’ time you learned that from your ivory tower it’s your audience you’re pissing on. xx
I didn't badmouth anyone, it was you not I who referred to them as ‘drunken scum’ all I said was that students had been doing nothing different from others of their age. There was no need to refer to my family. We may not be on the same page on a great many things Donny but don’t ever bring my family into it.
I’ve just quoted what you wrote- the inference was quite clear edit - and I didn’t ‘bring your family into it’ you did, and I barely referenced it, except to point out your double standards. anyway you’re on ignore now, I’m not up for interacting with thugs who believe threats of violence are a reasonable response to an online discussion.
You applied the inference not I, as for referencing my family describing my daughter as a’little angel’ was out of order sunshine. As for me being a thug I’m not - but I’ve had enough of your snide posts as usual response to mine everytime I come on here. Now you run away you w@nker, no doubt you’ve been that kid at school who was all mouth and thats how you’ve grown up. The definitive keyboard warrior thats you Donny.
The mass testing plan for Liverpool, Slovakia have done similar already...... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...ovid-mass-testing-of-two-thirds-of-population Look how many cases they found by testing people even if they didn't have symptoms. It goes to show how many can be spreading Covid without knowing they have it.
Research was stopped because it wasn't deemed important (or profitable enough) at the time. Only my opinon, but I'm optimistic a 'safe' vaccine will be developed (no vaccine is 100% safe in the same was some people are allergic to penicillin etc).