My mum had day surgery on friday and overheard that the numbers in ICU were 11 but admissions were in the 50s. The porter highlighted the numerous ambulances all lined up expecting to bring in more cases. If the numbers she was told were accurate, it would suggest since Friday morning a further 100 have been admitted.
I hate Boris with a passion but these clowns are making an incompetent man's job even harder by basically lying to him. He should sack them both and bring in new people as they clearly haven't got a clue what they are talking about. They've made so many wrong calculations so many people have had their lives destroyed because of them and so many people have committed suicide because of them. Get shut and get some actual experts in rather than people clearly promoted above their abilities. And honestly I don't care what letters they have after their name before anyone comments on qualifications. I have eyes. I have ears. I can see and ear when someone is talking absolute ******** and when that ******** risks putting me out of work and potentially out of a home then it makes me Fu cking angry
More reason for the data to be right and scrutinised. When I started this thread, it was purely on my personal observations of what Vallance and Whitty were saying during the committee. Since then, there has been a huge focus on this especially on twitter, basically saying the same. Yes the government may be generally incompetent, but based around the confusion generated by the data being fed in and even the most competent government would be made to look like idiots. All in favour of protecting NHS etc but the response has to be both consistent and based around reliable data otherwise the flip side of the coin with missing other conditions, cancer treatment etc comes to the forefront. Watching these 2 today in that committee today, really changed my opinion on things..It was really that bad.
I'm not a betting man but I think the first honours list after the Pandemic is beaten will see Whitty with a peerage, things seem that corrupt.
If the numbers are lower than projected then that's brilliant news. I'm sure the modellers and scientists, doctors and nurses will be more than happy to be wrong in a non professional capacity. The NHS will also breathe a sigh of relief. They will plan as best they can, but they will only cancel operations and not do referrals etc if they run out of space (keep in mind they were squeezed before Covid and winter is a bad time of year generally). If the numbers fall then it's great news.
Ive not seen Witty and Vallance (I read some of the replies) but i'll take people's word as to their performance. But it's largely irrelevant compared to the situation in say Barnsley. If the Tories hadn't fooked over the NHS for 10 years we'd be in a much better position...
No, we don’t want whataboutery. I’ll ask what I asked Micky; did you see the interview with the panel?
'No'? So you're ignoring the state of your own local hospital? Ive already said I haven't, try reading my posts more carefully. There's no 'whataboutery'. Many hospitals, including Barnsley, are already badly stretched and cases getting worse going into winter. You were one of those posting about NHS services being stopped due to Covid, yes?
And the government are basing their decisions on this data and their bonkers worst case predictions which is wrecking folk lives and sentencing people to death indirectly. On top of this there is the massive false positive rate which is compounding things even more. A guy swabbed his aloe vera plant and it came back positive last week. The whole thing is a complete mess hence we should not be locking down again. They are going to do untold damage far worse than anything this virus can do.
We don't need more of anything involving pain, death, covid, job losses etc. But if the NHS can't cope then there will be more of it. At the moment many NHS hospitals are stretched. If you have the solution then frankly you're wasting your time posting on here.
170 cases, 11 in icu. As for the tweedles yesterday. In front of that powder puff panel, i could have sat with jam round my chops, an empty plate where once were jam sandwiches and convinced them it wasn't me. They should have been annihilated with their "yeah, what he said" responses. *****
" The Covid patients take up fewer than one in 10 beds. So far, both NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care have refused to reveal the number of available beds once you take into account patients being treated in hospital for other conditions. Figures obtained by the Health Service Journal, which the BBC understands are correct, suggest just over 80% of beds are occupied. That's actually a little bit lower than it was last winter, reflecting the fact that despite efforts to do more non-Covid work, such as cancer care and routine surgery, the numbers remain well below pre-pandemic levels. " they are now hiding the numbers of their occupancy. Why would they do that? " NHS England and the Department of Health and Social Care have refused to reveal the number of available beds"
I am afraid what we are suffering from is more down to a national health failure which has been brewing for a long time - which will be at the fault of the tories. They have probably just realised they can use the pandemic to cover their asses for years of austerity and failure to adequately plan and prepare whilst also neglecting nurses and other health care workers pay and jobs.