To give them the benefit of the doubt. This removes uncertainty if there needs to be a third lockdown in the New Year. I know this is completely against the grain for the government to plan ahead and look at the worst case, but they might have started rather than always being on the back foot.
Theres two ways of looking at this. 1) Its long term planning in case things get worse 2) Lockdowns are like Hotel California Either way, if you are in the private sector. Worry. BIg time.
So if you like banging pots in your garden whilst supping San Miguel and toasting the NHS and furlough fill your boots.
And be rewarded with higher taxes when it's over for their troubles. That's if they aren't killed in the meantime.
Are they closing the borders and putting proper quarantine measures in place then or are we continuing to firmly ram our fingers in our lugoyles and carrying on playing at this?
We are in this til Spring and I’ve been saying this a while, whether people like it or not we’d better get used to it. There’s no way infections are going to decrease enough over winter to end the lockdown. They might go back to the tiered system but it will still be some form of lockdown one way or another.
Pathetic statement. You’ve gone on for months about lockdown ruining the mental health of the public, then you tell people to ‘Worry. Big Time’.