Who could forget this ? Obviously those that think he’s not cut from the same cloth as Maggie. In a column in The Spectator in 1995, the Prime Minister said "blue collar" men in Britain were probably "drunk, criminal, aimless, feckless and hopeless, and perhaps claiming to suffer from low self-esteem" can see the clueless looking up blue collar.
Don't remember anyone called Humber Suspension need more help. My favourite is PCW - had a lovely conversation with him about Zoom and Teams once. All his evidence was from a quote in the paper - actually part of my job to set up online platforms. He said we'd reached a stalemate which was equivalent of calling next goal winner when you are 10-0 down
What? You’ve not heard of Nudge’s bridge. ( love the reply though pml) Keep up mate. Ps I worked with someone with those initials. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was him. Electrician/Tutor. Used to make me laugh. His bluster.
This must be the best fishing trip the OP has ever made I dont know about hook line and sinker but seeing 8 pages of reply ( which I havent read thoroughly) he/she has just come through here with a trawler and netted a rather large responce....it smacks of wind up looking for a reaction....lol....it certainly got one....
Note the date if you already haven’t. The original post reignited with some differing views that have gone beyond the theme but relevant.
They're still replying to it 8 months later. Don't get why people resurrect ancient posts. There's been about five this week.
I get that SDM. But once it’s been resurrected. People debate. That’s natural. I was like others. I skipped most pages after reading the initial post not noting the date. I went back to look when it was resurrected. Oct 27th from April 1st ( corny or what) Guess the poster had just seen an alert. . Or traipsed through a multitude of pages cos bored.
Tbh the subject etc is still relevant and in the main news . So I can understand it being brought up as any others that’s still relevant .
The major factors were of course Brexit add into that the voters distaste for a Corbyn lead Goverment, btw not being pedantic but what is working class? Brexit and the voters distate for a Corbyn lead goverment was imo the reason the cons got in. My son is a vehicle fitter ( skilled) he gets 28k a year, he is neither unskilled or semi skilled ( thats the definition of working class btw) his he middle class ?
Gullible working class and working class. Is the difference. BTW I have always classed myself as working class.. Electrical engineer. £16k pa. £32k pro rata. I know what working class is. Doesn’t make me gullible. They make more than the poverty line, and may even technically make enough to be earn a middle class by income, but they still live paycheck to paycheck. Working class today describes having a job but feeling poor, or making enough to get by without much else. ... Working class used to be about the kind of job you had.3 Mar 2019