He doesnt seem invested in the rant does he - unlike the lass at the front near the end. Now clearly with the Almighty and Angels on his side Trump will win but isnt that cheating - are the Angels going to nick Biden ballot papers or something. Also I would love to hear her explanation if somewhow she has misunderstood and it was Gods will that Biden wins
It’ll be the ‘forces of evil’. What I don’t understand about the evangelicals is that having elected Trump as leader of the free world, their god responded with a plague. And that doesn’t stop them supporting him, or stop them believing.
It's tremendous viewing. Republican protesters have now been dispatched cross-country. Arizona (Trump gaining): "Count the vote. Count the vote. Count the vote". Michigan (Biden gaining): "Stop the vote. Stop the vote. Stop the vote". Rudy Giuliani's popped up now. Apparently 1000s of dead people are voting. Zombiegate.
And the unhinged & the deranged will inherit the earth, says Paula White perhaps Dear God, this woman is an adviser!
He's the comedian who created the tweet, i forget his name. It's post production editing for humour, he's not there.
Lol. I've literally just finished watching that on huffpost. I have a huge problem with the misery that radical religion brings to the world and Islam is still a major culprit but let's not forget some of the absolute fruit loops that follow evangelical Christianity. It's genuinely frightening to imagine what goes through the minds of people like this and their deluded followers.
Just wait and see how many righteous Christians reach for the rifle in a few hours time. It's already started
I'm up for a general strike if anybody else is. Strike and strike and strike! Victory victory victory!