Thank you for that Micky. A very good reasonable post. Although my gripe is not about what , but when. Have a nice evening.
I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the box but do you have a different setting in your BBS than I have? On mine the front page had about 40 threads on it and I can read and post in them all. I can read a thread about Boris and read one about our win right before and right afterwards too. I know there's different views you can use in the BBS, 20 years back threaded was the only option but now there's a few. Have you by any chance selected one which only allows one thread to exist at a time which is why you're so angry that a Boris one had replaced the Barnsley one you have permission to view?
Hint for you - Dont read any thread with the word Boris or USA election or Bexit in the title and concentrate on ones with Football titles like 3/4 of the ones on the first page are - just ignore threads like these and leave them for people who want to discuss things like the election of the president of the USA - it is fairly topical at the moment
Thanks, I thought we left in January? So since January we’ve been following Eu rules, paying into the EU, having free trade with the EU and just letting EU trawlers fish in our waters and we didn’t need to? WTF!!!! That’s bonkers.
Brexit was a stupid idea. A con by a group with vested interests, that was helped by breaking rules in their campaign, social media dark arts (russian bots, Cambridge Analytica) and the Leave Campaigns telling lies at every opportunity. It’s happening, but that doesn’t make it any less stupid.
But the clowns who conned the gullible public are now beginning to be found out. Watch out next year - when the **** hits the fan there won't be a brexiteer in sight. And Boris's 'red wall' supporters are going to realize they have something in common with his female acquaintances.
*It’s happened. The thing is, we could continue indefinitely in this state if we both agreed to as we have officially left the EU which is all the referendum said we had to do. Obviously, the Leave voters would be in uproar but nothing was ever set out beyond leaving. Leaving could have been absolutely anything at all, I’m not sure how anyone could vote for something so undetailed that they still don’t know what it is now or even realise that it has legally happened already.
Why is it a stupid idea? Believe me, no one was conned, we voted to leave, full stop. Still so many bitter people on here.
Happy to engage. Gifted a goal but he took it well. Didn't see his wider performance as there was some very good racing on this aft. Victor's strike was outstanding. Great result. Very happy. Trump out; Boris in trouble; ecstatic.
Brexit has happened, or didn't you notice. Like you've not noticed how Bojo and his acolytes have knackered it up and set back an economic recovery by five years at least. Oh and by the way probably trashed the NI peace process which will hamstring any US trade deal now they have got rid of the Muppet barricaded in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.