Well done all those kept up the pressure on this. The Government yet again cave in to common sense. Anyone would think they haven’t really got a clue of what they are or should be doing.
Great news and so obviously the wrong decision in the first place. Bet BJ gets credit for reversing the decision though
Great news from Prime Minister Rashford. Looking forward to the tory MPs who voted against going on tele to defend the volte face. “Why did you change your minds” “Because it made us look bad”.
maybe they should think about the consequences of their actions first. It's a wonder how some of them get voted in
Well done Marcus , top class human being imo . Hope the people who voted the Tory MPs from the red wall are proud of their choice .
How about well done politicians for listening and changing their minds. What's wrong with that and why call it a U-turn?
Because this wasnt a case where there was a change in circumstances that made a change of mind the logical thing to do. They didnt listen at the start and followed a clearly wrong path, they sent out ministers who were struggling to defend the policy and they whipped their party to vote for something even many of their elected MP's knew was wrong. Dont get me wrong I am very pleased they have changed course to the one that was clearly the right one, but I am not giving them credit for the change. Its like giving a guy praise for stopping beating his wife
Because their first reaction showed them up for what they are detestable human beings . The second reaction was a PR stunt to try and buy back some sort of dignity which they lost to a very large part of the country not because their conscience was pricked .
just so I can follow that logic. The Conservative MPs went into a room, closed the door, weighed up all the evidence and information that had been presented to them and decided to change their minds in the interests of the children involved. Is that how you think it was?
Another U turn. Tory MPs must be dizzy. This is the same group that virtually unanimously voted against such action 2 weeks ago.
Boris is getting a lot of bad press on this and rightly so but I think Sunak has had a huge part to play in lowering furlough and not funding school meals without much backlash if any. Boris is dead in the water at the minute and a few of these tories have gone very quiet ready to launch a takeover. Raab Gove Patel Sunak the main 4 i can see
Saved money on the October break and cant see any mention of Feb and Oct school holidays for next year unless it will be in the detail to be worked out. Seems like an exercise in shutting Rashford up. Carry on Marcus lad.
Jesus, you just dont get it do you... an MPs salary, because they voted themselves an increase, way beyond any increase any of us will get, added to an average of the sae in expenses, yet they want to deny destitute kids a square meal, and all you can say is is well done for 'changing their minds', be realistic, most of them havent changed their minds, the idiot who's supposed to be running the country has seen he's dropped yet another huge clanger, and realises he needs the public on his side. if it wasnt for Marcus Rashford, their policy would NOT have been reversed. OPEN YOUR EYES...