As a vet ( army air corps 74-83, 3 tours in N.I.) i would like to thank the club and the staff responsible for the rememberance day motif and display on the pitch and stand, its things like that that make vets sit back, look and think yeah we are remembered and appreciated................ cheers mate. UREDS
The same team (PA Entertainments) who lit up Oakwell for us with the NHS logo, came back for this. They did a few other Yorkshire clubs too. Glad that folk liked it. I think it looked superb and was a little different from the usual graphic design we've put out in recent years. Just a shame that we can't do a proper remembrance game against Forest. It's one of my favourite dates in the football calendar, where we invite lots of servicemen and women, plus the wonderful John Hopkinson to play the Last Post.
I'm glad it was well received, it was an absolute pleasure doing the stadium light ups for both armistice and the NHS especially Oakwell!! can't wait for the next project! Phil P in PA Entertainments
John will be coming, but obviously not in the Red Zone. One of the nicest blokes you could wish to meet and always refuses any kind of fee for his efforts. I'm yet to see anyone play the Last Post quite as good as he does.
Good to see. It's probably absolutely no chance but as well as auctioning off the match worn shirts if you could auction the chance for one person to bring a guest to a behind closed doors match that would go for a hefty fee.
We wouldn't be allowed and to be honest, I wouldn't be keen on doing such a thing when 7,500 have paid to come already, but can't.
As an ex Matelot with 24 years service, i also thought it looked fantastic. Top marks to every one involved.