off topic but my dad used to always say that he got up a hour earlier just so he could hate Thatcher longer...and he wasn’t even a miner
He sounds like a very wise man to me Also off topic I can remember Miners old and not so old during the strike campaigning against Thatcher after she’d called the striking Miners “The Enemy Within “ Many veterans from Second World War ,National Serviceman, Kenya ,Malaya , Korea etc etc . Which was very formidable but the Media to its disgraceful non coverage and discredit ignored them . Many sent back their campaign medals . The movement was masive in all mining areas but hardly gets a mention .
My Dad went to school with him, and couldn't stand him even at the height of his fame and popularity (Parkies not my Dad )
Never been a huge fan of him professionally. I just don't think he was very good. I watch interviews such as the one with Helen Mirren, and they're awful. That said, he's done well for himself and he's never shied away from his Barnsley roots, although I know a lot of people see him as some kind of northern Uncle Tom. He was on first name terms with John Lennon, Muhammad Ali and Peter Cook though, which is pretty f.cuking cool for a bloke from Holgate. Three of my icons, and I would love to talk to him about meeting them. As for him looking like an old man. Yeah. He's an old man.
In the late 60s/early 70s, my Grandad bought me a copy of Parky's book "Football Daft" as a birthday present. I would have been 8 or 9, I reckon. It was one of the things that introduced me to the idea of Barnsley Football Club, before I actually started going to matches. I don't know how it stands up today, but as a kid I loved it. Some of his stories really made me chuckle.
I didn't particularly like my time at Holgate, mebby because I was thick, so I applaud him for being honest. He had glowing words for Webb Swift, his sports teacher. though. I don't mind Parky.
I remember when I left Mexborough to go to Uni and then settled in Wakefield I got a fair amount of stick for "thinking I was now better then them" from old school chums - its definitely a thing. I did nothing other than get an education and move away, never slagged off where I was from or denied it to anyone I ever met - some people are just very insecure.
Barry Hines was one of my teachers at Kirk Balk. Always found him to be a down to earth bloke as were most of the teachers round that era especially the original Rocket Ronnie, Ronnie Hallam
I moved down to Surrey in 1990 , partly for work , partly so my better half could get away from bad memories but never stopped appreciating where I came from. Welland Crescent Elsecar aka concrete canyon.
There are some who do this and give a bad name to the rest of the local people that have bettered their families etc , Usually by highlighting they’ve pulled themselves up by their boot straps while the rest of us have stagnated through our own faults and we should vote Tory as they themselves have started to . I don’t get that from any of our local celebrities tbh maybe they’ve turned Tory etc but they imo havnt shoved it down our throats. Maybe the moral of the story is if you’ve managed to enrich yourselves and your families don’t try to shove it down the rest of us and look upon us and our principles as failures imo . That’s not aimed at you by the way or the majority of posters just my opinion on some .
That's one thing I've never done Marlon, even though my Labour vote is not likely to tip the balance in Runnymede My dear departed dad would never forgive me and as he was a miner I'd feel like I'd sold him out
I know that mate and I did say the majority of posters on here aren’t like that whether they vote Tory or not they don’t shove it down our throats . There’s a couple of posters do but by enlarge the majority don’t . They portray their lifestyle to having worked hard etc etc as if most haven't and are malingering etc. I like many on here have worked hard most of my life without the rewards some have and that’s no disrespect to those that have worked hard and reaped good rewards I respect and admire that but I don’t want it shoving down my throat that my efforts weren’t good enough etc .
I used to work with a relative of his. He said that Parky had very little time for his family in Barnsley.
This was a present from a work colleague, now on my desk with Yorkshire Gold tea in it. Stereotypical I know but I love it
I agree mate, worked in a factory in Bolton-on-Dearne and what struck me was that nearly everyone there had worked hard all their lives, had a trade, trained in some skilled profession, but through fate or misfortune had ended up there. I learned early on that no one "deserves" a low-paid job or to be treated like sht because of their circumstances, everyone has a story, and by and large most people are honest and hard working, the tiny minority give an excuse for selfish folk to use it as reason why they themselves are just twts. I would have more respect if they just admitted "yeah I'm a greedy selfish bastrd" rather than pretending its based on some social science.
I think he'd transferred his affections to Manchester United when he became a Manchester based journalist.
In January 1981, Michael Parkinson said that Barnsley Holgate Grammar School was to his education what myxomatosis was to rabbits.