Parky was a massive George Best fan. Him and Sir Geoffrey were both quite frequent visitors to Old Trafford
He ought to have been put in detention for that - or at very least been given an imposition. It was a fine school with a long tradition of excellence. Like any school, not perfect and some wouldn’t have liked it, but you’re out of order Parkinson minor.
Claimed to have support Barnsley when it suited him. watched an interview once when he claimed to support ‘Barnsley and Reading’ Any true football fan knows that this isn’t actually possible
Yes, Parky was out of order with that remark. Fine school indeed Holgate was, I can vouch for that, enjoying my time there, joining in the 6th form. Such a contrast to QEGS Wakefield, from which I'd transferred, a school which gave me a miserable experience.
He is on record as saying "Barnsley Grammar School did for education what myxomatosis did for rabbits" Well I went to Holgate and I get where he is coming from....
Each to their own mate; I can contrast the two schools, and my Holgate experience trounced QEGS. Only regret I didn't go straight to Holgate from Wilthorpe Juniors.
I wonder if you have wonderful memories of Holgate at a later time. My dad was at BGS at the same time as Parky - 1946-51 ish. This was a grammar school in a northern town, yes kids who got there were the cream of the crop, but they were also taught the hard way, cane slipper etc. From what my dad said I can imagine why Parky has bad memories.
If i was ever temporarily going through a dip or getting a bit too lippy or cocky as a young un, my mum used to threaten to take me out of darton school and send me to qegs as a punishment.
Hi Wakey, I'm from Bolton on Dearne, where did you work? I too moved away from South Yorkshire, Newcastle Poly (1974-78), Cambridge (78-82) before arriving in South Derbyshre in 1983. I'v e always kept going back though, my brother lives in Harlinton and my mum was in a home in Goldthorpe till she passed away in 2015. I'm still proud of where I come from and the people.
How many times have you/did you hear Marlon. “ Paul Sykes wanted to buy’t club but was turned down. Club don’t want to go up.” Total ****** by those who said they weren’t going to watch tarn. Cos of it.
Anyone who wasn’t a George Best fan needs looking at. The most gifted footballer in my lifetime. Imho.
With respect I loved my school yrs at Jump them wombwell high. But there were those who thought the opposite.