Until very recently (an interview I heard last month), I always assumed John Cale was American. I never realised he was Welsh. Just never really thought about it.
Not heard that before. After 10 seconds I was struggling with it - not helped by the headache I've been struggling with for the past couple of hours - but I persevered and, strangely, around the 1:30 mark, it started to sound ok. By the end, I no longer wanted to punch your face in. In fact, I think I'll be giving this another spin - once my head has settled. You may even get a "like" later.
Having lived through A-ha’s original ‘ Take on me’ release,I could definitely take it or leave it. However, the MTV unplugged (summer solstice) version is just different gravy.... the same one you may have heard on Deadpool 2 movie. Apologies for not having the knowledge on how to provide a link.
This is one of my all-time favourites. Neil Young - "A Man Needs A Maid" I'm staggered that it doesn't appear on Young's "Best Of" CD, because it would have been first on the list, had I compiled it. I never hear it played anywhere, never hear anyone mention it even. But I love it. There's something utterly heartbreaking about it, and the closing line is sung with such a forlorn hopelessness, it gets to me every time.
Love that album and After the Gold rush - will never get bored of either and if I do I'll stick some Autechre on for a change of style.
Worst Band of all time: Queen. Worst Music: Anything by Queen with special mention for We are the Champions. Not just a ***** song but guaranteed to ruin any moment of joy from winning something.
Slightly surprised by that. Not that liking Queen is mandatory, but for a band with such an extensive and varied output, I'm surprised that nothing of theirs hits the spot for you. Each to their own, though. I like Queen, particularly the period 73-76 (my early teens).
Positively 4th Street by Bob Dylan, because it reminds me of two-faced people I should really forget. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?...D7A73D8B60D3C224CE92D7A73D8B60D3C&FORM=WRVORC
One of my favourite recordings ever. Lou's guitar after 'then my mind split open'... You've probably read it, but Uptight by Victor Bockris is absolutely brilliant, and tells the story of the Velvets mainly from their own words. The stories of the dysfunctional Cale/ reed recording of White Light White Heat are great. Lou had adapted his guitar into a feedback monster which is what helps make this so thrilling
With Daletyke on this - the only listenable Queen track was Under Pressure because it had Bowie on it. Other dislikes are any BON JOVI /Meat Loaf and other American `rock bands of the Eighties.
Really like that. Putting them on my "bands to investigate" list. For some reason it brings this one to mind, which I also like. Hawkwind - Seven By Seven (the B side to Silver Machine).
Ah well, each to their own. I'm with you on the American rock bands in a general sense, although even there I can't help feeling there are exceptions. The three below I've always had a soft spot for ( though technically, the second lot were Canadian).
Always love Dr Feelgood. You should check out Morphine if you haven't. Serious dark R&B groove-ige to be had.