Headline: A record 33,470 people have tested positive for coronavirus in the UK government's latest daily figure. Within story: Experts have previously warned against describing the daily figure as a record because there was no widespread testing programme during the first wave of the epidemic.
Of course it is. They're mass testing the population however the bigger the number the lower the percentage of people who actually fall ill with it right?
its an accumulation of returned test results covering a multitude of different dates. The one to look at is results by specimen date.
Not sure I’ve understood that ST. The bigger the number the lower the percentage how does that work? But a percentage of positive tests regardless of numbers tested would be the better indicator.
If 100 people with extreme symptoms are tested and they're all in hospital that's a 100% hospitalisation rate. If 50 of them die because you've only tested the most ill and vulnerable people then it's a 50% mortality rate. If you test 1million asymptomatic people as well as those 100 hospitalised people then suddenly you have a 0.005% mortality rate. The more asymptomatic people they test and find have the virus without having any idea then it's definitely good news as it means that the mortality rate is much much lower than the figures that whitty and co presented.
Oldham still has the highest infection rate in the country, and they have been under some form of restrictions and lockdown for 6 months. Something is not working.
There’s more than the BBC reporting that number .https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/news...ses-the-highest-daily-figure-to-date-12130940
The difference being that they're all private companies, the BBC is funded by the public and shouldnt be chasing the page hits in this way.
It’s reporting the news not chasing the hits at all . The figures are reported in multi news agencies so I don’t know how the BBC are supposed to report it . It’s just another unfounded bashing of the BBC imo .
Where is mass testing happening outside of Liverpool? Even in Liverpool, they tested something like 27k in 5 days, so would be surprised if the number of asymptomatic cases within today’s figures is a particularly significant proportion
People still justifying stuff and denying it exists just because the are selfish two hats and are more concerned with their own inconvenience! Really starting to irritate me tbh , but Juddy Flu has gone down it’s not real ! Yeahferkoff it’s not even Flu season and go on because your kids can’t play football or you can’t go to the pub selfish belljends
I agree it must be taken with caution as we don't know how many were infected at the peak of the first wave due to lack of testing, but completely disagree that it is "clickbait scaremongering".
I've no problem with them reporting the figure but there's no need to use the RECORD NUMBERS headline when the article clearly says experts warn against doing that
What has that rant got to do with this thread? Nobody in this thread has denied any existence of anything.
I know you love a good exaggeration but they are not using capitals to emphasise like some daily mail shitrag. They are just reporting facts. The fact they have included the paragraph you posted in the first post goes against them scaremongering too, surely.
I hate the BBC, and their brainless Capita goons: pAy TeH lIsUnS. But I don't think they've done anything wrong here.
People do like to bash the BBC. It's not perfect by a long chalk but way better than most US TV stations.