Disagree mate. It's precisely because mistakes are made ( several over many years) that the death penalty is not good justice. It's flawed. There are many ways in which murder charges can be corrupted, falsified or politicized and then innocents get punished. Sutcliffe was an evil man but if you say 'he should have hung' then you logically have to bring it back and, for the reasons I've mentioned, its flawed. We should not have a criminal justice system that occasionally kills innocent people. It's wrong, full stop.
It’s easy to be callous and accept one in every ten will be innocent but at least the other nine got what they deserved . That is untill you are the one sat in the cell innocent . PS Some say only hang them if it’s definitely proved it’s them but Timothy Evans , Derek Bentley etc was supposed to be definitely proved guilty
It is one of those subjects that people will rarely change their mind on. I agree with you though, partly due to the chance of a wrongful conviction and partly because I would rather die than spend the rest of my life in prison. No amount of Xboxes and Playstations are going to make it any more bearable.
I believe certain privileges are only given on a good behaviour criteria . Which makes sense tbh it makes the jail workers , guards etc life easier and probably cheaper than keep on them 24/7 because they’ve nowt to lose . It’s such an emotional issue and one that will never be in a referendum imo because of that .
Sadly, I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if this was actually considered in the near future. With this home secretary and the backdrop of hate and xenophobia, a bit of a media frenzy from the usual quarters and footage of 10s of people landing on british beaches in dinghys and I'm sure that would be enough for some to put a x in the box for the death penalty.
Having a big media blitz about the death penalty would also distract people from other issues actually. Might be a clever move by the Tories.
Lots of soldiers during WW1 and earlier were shot for cowardice while suffering from what we would now call PTSD. "There were six men in Birmingham In Guildford, there's four That were picked up and tortured And framed by the law" - The Pogues Absolutely no way that those ten people would have avoided the death penalty if it was available at the time of conviction. Every single one was later exonerated and given quite significant compensation for the time spent in prison on unsafe convictions.
As we learned With Brexit reason and rational debate has no place in emotional rants and I wouldn’t trust the media or some politicians for that matter to use the debate as collateral and populism rather than their true beliefs .
Will never forget the fear that Sutcliffe caused in our local communities. In our village groups formed to protect the local girls who on request could ask someone to accompany them on visits to meet other folks. Lot of my mates worked away, so a number of us rallied round to see their wives safely got to and from a visit to parents/ friends or to walk them to and from a rare night to the pub or club. As ever, that friendly Yorkshire spirit shone through. Such a relief when he was finally in custody. We were in the local WMC and when the News finally filtered through, it quickly became packed with everyone celebrating.
The fact life prisoners are so desperate to e The thing is women still.often dont feel safe walking on their own after dark.
I was stationed in Wiltshire at the time, at RAF Upavon, and I used to travel up to Yorkshire whenever possible even though it was a 4-500 mile round trip. The reason it varied was that I started an unofficial taxi service using the Station-owned minibus. I could pick it up from our transport section on a Friday lunchtime and have it back there by Monday morning. I had seven or eight regular travellers, all but one were WRAFs, and most wanted to go to Leeds, Halifax or Huddersfield. It would be well into the evening before I dropped any of them off and they were, quite naturally, nervous about being out in the dark. I always, without fail, made sure they were safely at their parents’ doors before driving on. Same applied when I picked them up Sunday evening. We never lost anyone! It was a terrible time especially in the West Yorkshire districts and you never knew where the next murder would take place. It’s hard to believe this was nearly 40 years ago because it feels much more recent than that.