Heard it enough of the racists at oakwell and on away days over the years, there in the minority but still more than enough backwards racists lovely people around.
Having just watched the advert my only thought is " jesus, cant believe theyve adverts on for the worst time of the year over a month in advance"
Be mainly southern softies. With the negative comments. Think it’s more to do with the family being Northern NORTHERN BOYS LOVE GRAVY. Am ovver to their place for Xmas dinner. Seems we’re not bothering and having a boofhey. Hopefully going art on mi birthday 2 days later or afore Xmas day. Not paying them blooming prices on Xmas day. **** that.
Would like to agree mate. But you don’t become a non racist by not using racist language where it’s frowned upon. And a crime.
Maybe not but them Wendy buggers nicked mi scarf during a testimonial at t’well. . A wor only abart 10. B’stds. Never forgiven em.
Maybe when you deem your parents as ‘racist’ and ‘entrenched’ I really ask you to define ‘what you actually mean. Labelling a parent ‘racist’ is implying that they are ‘ in real time’ prejudice and discriminatory against people from a particular group or ethnicity. Recognising that advertising is changing in respect of a positive shift in multiculturalism and brand values isn’t racist. The KKK are racist! Nazis were racist! Are they actually like that? Or are they from a different generation, who have brought you up to recognise the difference between right and wrong and perhaps aren’t embracing change as quick as you? Got to be careful with language!
Insulting and feeling that people of a different skin colour are inferior is racist. Doesn't have to be as extreme as supporting Hitler's final solution.
I think you're abit racist If you watch that advert and come out with "it's full of blacks" and "not our country anymore". I'm not saying your a national front member or in the kkk or dangerous. But when I see that advert I just see a family at xmas I dont have those thoughts. I couldnt care less if it's a family of white people, black people, Romanians, Indians or whatever on the advert.
They're his parents. I think he's been pretty clear. I think if someone's parents say "I'm racist and proud of it", that's about as clear as it can be. I don't think there's anything generational or room for misinterpretation there. I also find your Nazi/KKK analogy a bit odd. It's almost like you're suggesting you can only be racist if you're a Nazi or in the KKK. That's not what you're saying, is it?
I provided a verbatim quote from my dad, who calls himself a proud racist. Make of that what you will - I don't really care to repeat myself, and nor do I care what you think.
Sorry mate. I misread. thinking you thought it had lessened by becoming a minority. You certainly don’t hear the racist language as much. But I still think it’s a sizeable minority who don’t spout as much, ( cos they’ll be charged or called out) but haven’t changed their views.
OMG !!! You are prepared to diss your own parents over this. That is parents that have seen nothing but a white Christian upbringing. The black people seen in the advert are probably seen by your parents as foreign African people. There is nothing wrong with that - because through the majority of their life that is what they were seen as. We in Britain remain a white Christian nation. Tell me this - if the people in the advert came to your parents door would your parents welcome them in and offer a seat at their table and a cup of tea ??? I can nearly guarantee they would do. And 99.999 % of people in Britain would do the same. And if that is the case then your parents are NOT racist. No matter what the BBC and Newsnight tells us.
So what you're saying is that people espousing racist views can't be classed as racist because they come from a generation that was far more racist than the current one? Also, the number of practising Christians in the UK is about six percent.