There are as many that have left the BBS because they have been subjected to personal abuse - than what actually post on this message board now.
The BBS has a few thousand members,granted not everyone posts,so lets say 25% do post are you therefore saying roughly 500 BBS members have quit the BBS because they have been personally abused?
Are you saying you're leaving, or you've left. Or are you still undecided. Perhaps you should have a vote, or summat
You have no evidence. But clearly enough to bring a legal case in America. You are Donald Trump and I claim my £5
Though of course many who have been called out as racist have indeed left the board, because they were racists and were banned. it’s a weird world where someone concludes that banned members ‘left’ because they didn’t like being called racists. When in truth they were banned because they were racists. I genuinely don’t know whether Nudge is naive enough to truly believe that 99.999% of people aren’t genuinely racist or that he only views people who have physically assaulted someone based on their race to be racist.
In case you hadn’t seen it. A poster described his parents as racist based on nothing more than the fact that they openly describe themselves as such. Nudge thinks it’s a conspiracy created by the left wing media. And that it’s disgusting that people should diss their parents based on their self proclaimed racism.
I see he's written the same Bullshyte on tykes mad calling bbs followers a set of left-wing fascists.
Well if he believes that then why bother continuing to post on here? He's already been banned for commenting on race issues, you'd have thought he'd have the common sense to give it a wide berth and stick to footy/other subjects for a good while at least...
He'll be back in a couple of weeks telling us all he can't be a racist 'cos he knows Indian people and that he goes to India.