What’s that all abart? Folk who say “right from the get go.” What's wrong wi “right from the start?” Shorter and easier to understand FFS. Nearly as bad as folk who end sentences by raising their voice to make it sound like a question.
I hate travelling with students on public transport. Especially geeky virgins trying to impress girls. buzzword, buzzword, like, buzzword, like, juxtaposition, metaphor, like, like Buzzword, onomatopoeia and more buzzwords like!
Americanism I suppose, like so many other things infesting the English language. I agree about the raising the voice at the end of the sentence business as well. It used to be just younger people who did it, specifically more often girls than boys. Now it's everyone. Every news item seems to have someone talking like that. Then there are the numpties on phone ins like Football Heaven who end every sentence with "yeah?" or "yer know what I mean?" I know there's plenty of bad stuff going on in the world, and maybe I shouldn't care about the misuse of the English language, either written or spoken, but I do care.
I once had a guy come to reception and say, "I've been told to come to you guy's". I just looked over my shoulder and asked, "who else is sat here? have you got a Ouija board". Just looked at me blank. I gave up after that.
Or people who comment on social media simply with.... 'W' Or 'L' No, 14 year old child with the username 'PogbaIsMagic', you don't deserve the 1,100 likes and 300 retweets you have, for replying with 1 letter.
Which version of the English language? - British English, American English, Australian English, Indian English, etc. Unlike some languages (French) there is no strict definition of English which allows it to change and adapt new words rapidly (Brexit, etc) and loan words from other languages (kindergarten, robot, ninja, etc) but also means that people can change it and those changes become more popular than the "correct" version - like many of those listed above.
and "Anyways". Used to happen all the time when I was working, hated people going off on tangents all the time, never got anything done lol
I know that it's a generation problem and those younger than me will be asking "So, what's the prob like, you know" or something like that. For me though there is only one English language and I don't necessarily like using made up words like lockdown, brexit or TLAs like LOL. It's lazy and I will always say something like "That's funny" instead of the cringeworthy LOL
I've said this before, people who can't say words with the letters "st, str," etc, without inserting the letter "h". Shtreet, shtriker, reshtricted, shtupid, oh the list goes on ......... Top of my pet hates.