Is that really being suggested? I’ve been in Spain for the last three weeks so have missed that, if true. As a “non resident”, even though I have a house here, I can stay for 90 days. That takes me to 27 January. So, go home to all that nonsense going on and fog and cold or......stay here. Hmm, tricky one!
That's what's annoying me more. I'm risking myself everyday and can't do anything when I'm free. I'm living to work.
The lock down is a waste of time. We're only being locked down because the government panicked at the numbers after the school's and colleges/universities went back. They panicked because they didn't factor these numbers along with it coinciding with the cold and flu season.
I agree with you 100%, mate. Leaving kids in school in particular is just the stupidest **** I’ve ever seen. Absolutely ridiculous and undermines everything else completely.
Just think about what that says for one second. Does it make sense? Sounds like a really reliable source, too...
I agree. Ben Goldacre is senior clinical research fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, part of the University of Oxford.
I hear what you are saying ,but the feeling about covid deaths being unacceptable in my opinion is that many of these deaths could have been prevented & also when my parents & other loved ones have passed , I was able to visit them & talk to them in hospital , say what was needed to be said but the current situation is totally different, but of course every death is relevant .
He’s also widely discredited as being anti-science and the majority of his papers are used for their ‘dissenting voice’ rather than as a basis for scientific fact. I’ll ask you the same question, does it make sense that kids can’t pass it on to adults? The basis of his theory is that there was no reduction in cases following the closure of schools. I would counter this with the fact that prior to the closure of schools there was very little testing being performed. The fact that there was a massive increase in cases after schools opened show that his theory is pretty much nonsense.
You haven’t read it right. What he’s saying is that the lower propensity of all cause deaths in households that contain children holds at the same level, regardless of whether children are at school or not. In terms of your general point - asymptomatic transmission is generally disputed, it isn’t clear at all whether or not asymptomatic people can transmit the ‘Vid - there are scientific studies both in favour and against whether this happens. Given that the vast majority of children who catch it are asymptomatic, then if asymptomatic transmission is unusual then perhaps that is the reason, I dunno. (By the way, if we think asymptomatic transmissions DO happen, I am at a loss why we are deliberately creating crowds of these people clustered into test centres in Liverpool - sounds like a ‘super spreader’ event to me...) And let’s be right, Goldsmith is far more respected across the scientific community than, say, Neil Ferguson, who’s predictions have been shown to be wildly inaccurate time after time after time after time.
Morissons are hoping Christmas isn't cancelled and large gatherings are accepted, because they're selling these beauties
Just in my family I’m aware of: Several people in a household infected starting with a schoolteacher catching it from a pupil. Several people in a household infected starting with a child sent home because one of his schoolmates had it. in the first wave I personally knew only one who’d been infected - a paramedic (lots of neighbours of friends etc). this wave I know plenty, and the vast majority have caught it through schools, universities.