It's ok though as they will still be playing songs such as WAP by Cardi B that's about wet ass pussy and whores. It will also still be playing Vossi Bop by Stormzy where he mentions finishing her with a facial.
Reminds me of them banning Ian Dury's "Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll" whilst simultaneously playing Frankie Goes to Hollywood's "Relax" back in the 80s.
I envy having so little to worry about that changing a word in a song (that the band themselves changed subsequently when playing live) sends me into a fit of rage. Plenty of exciting responses coming on this thread I expect. Also hilarious that those who throw the ‘snowflake’ tag about are without fail the biggest snowflakes going. Happy holidays (please don’t say Merry Christmas)
Is Radio 1 relevant? Is this the kind of song that's played on that station anyway? Last time I was unlucky to hear anything it was bland, syrupy ballads that for some reason has hijacked the label R&B or boom boom repetitive electric noises. (Disclaimer: I'm old enough to remember listening to "the Beatles new single on Radio 1")
Thats exactly what they have done and no they haven’t banned it. Fake news Snowflake #1 is lying in the title of the thread.
The song isn't banned, It's just the original version that they aren't playing on Radio 1. The edited version will be. Oh, and the original version will be played on Radio 2. You can't make this stuff up.
The word is F@ggots. F@ggots are meatballs made from minced off-cuts and offal, especially pork together with herbs for flavouring and sometimes added bread crumbs. It is a traditional dish in the United Kingdom, especially South and Mid Wales and the English Midlands
are we seriously to believe that the radio 1 audience will be offended by this song in its original form and the radio 2 audience wont just WOW if I was a radio1 listener - I used to be but havent listened to it for years - I think I would feel insulted by that
Rhymes with maggot and starts with an f. Don't see the problem with replacing one word that is offensive to the homosexual community myself.
I haven't listened to Radio 1 either for years, and I think they're saying that the Radio 1 listeners have a younger audience, so are more offended by the word. BUT, they're playing the edited version which still has the words and slut.
I believe the whole crux of the issue is wrapped up in your sentence here. it’s a headline looking for a story, a dead cat, the government have mismanaged a pandemic whilst lining their mates pockets but the media want to misreport a completely non existent issue to give us something to get upset about.