It's on a compilation 65-67 lot's off stuff. "Scream Thy Last Scream", "Vegetable Man" and "Candy Currant Bun" being the main three.
iirc, they banned it due to the lyrics, then it got to Number 1 in the charts, due to everyone out buying it because it had been banned. The BBC then relented and played it when it got to Number 1
Exactly, its a word, my son is gay, and fairytale of new york is both his and his partners favourite xmas song, so they certainly don,t speak for all gay people, infact, hardly any i suspect...
So why the big upraw then? A word has been censored. I'm pretty sure they'll still be able to sing it. Big deal.
I think it's the people that keep speaking out that singles homosexuals out more. Just my opinion. How can someone feel normal when a big deal is made out of every little thing? My friend is gay and he hates it when a big deal is made out of sexuality. It's the faux outrage that p1sses me off.
Your absolutely right, no big deal at all, theres no doubt theres countless songs out there that have extremely offensive lyrics but we have to stop hiding under the duvet and wanting things changed and banned, if we,re offended by it, don,t listen to it...
Absolutely. And plenty of other songs have been censored. I'm a big Radiohead fan, and whenever Creep is played on the radio the word "fcking" is changed to "very". It really doesn't matter. I don't burst into tears and take to social media. I get that there are some words that you cannot have on the airwaves.
Don,t think anyones bursting into tears , its just a discussion, i just think we,re in a world obsessed by censorship, and as has been said by stephen dawson, most of it is faux outrage...
ah right yeah, got them. not sure there's anything too subversive about the lyrics though, is there? I'd say the were just typical Barrett. off his bulb when he wrote them I imagine. I just don't think they made the cut for whatever reason.
I wonder what reaction would've been had they just played the alternate version, without pointing out to people that they're not playing the original. Suspect the Lawrence Fox's of this world that like to amplify the outrage at such a decision wouldn't even have noticed. I guess they just need something to shout about to feel relevant.
It could be banned on several counts: Product placement breaching advertising standards (The Rare Old Mountain Dew) Promoting gambling (Came in eighteen to one) False advertising (They've got cars big as bars, they've got rivers of gold) Promoting drugs (You're an old slut on junk) Philip Chevron, who joined the band around 84 (as paternity cover for co-songerwriter of Fairytale Jem Finer) and was a member until his death was openly gay, so it wasn't meant in an insulting way - but was meant to portray an argument between a couple, when we all say things we don't *mean*.
No one is saying it that they do..Amd while it may not bother your son and partner at all , it obviously does bother others. No one has claimed to speak for all gay people have they?