I'm a bit of a binger ( find a book I like then have to read everything by that author) so as long as I don't start listening to Christmas songs too early I quite enjoy them. Hated working in a shop and hearing them non stop all day everyday though!
You’re at an advantage JP. Knowing peoples likes. But give me Slade and Wizzards Xmas songs any day. Ittttttttttttttttttt’s chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiistmaaaaaas. .
nope read the thread through again and it’s full of opinions but you seem to be the only one ‘outraged’ capital letters n all that !
Yep,no outrage at all , too many blowing things out of proportion, like when you say someone has had a bad game then all of a sudden you "HATE" them..
I think it's noticeable that the supermarkets aren't playing Christmas songs this year (yet!) In the past they'd be playing them in September lol
Go on, I'll humour you as I've finished work early and have nothing better to do with my time. The point I'm making, is that people such as yourself are making SO MUCH NOISE about how CHRISTMAS IS RUINED because one word is bleeped out on a Christmas song and are crying into their Daily Mail (hence the use of capitals). The use of captains indicates the saltiness of your tears as your life is ruined due to the censoring of one word. And the point I've missed is?
Well for one I wasn’t making ‘so much noise’, just stated an opinion as did most of the others, you however for some reason seem to have blown said opinions out of all proportion making them out to be something they weren’t . Now for some reason you’ve brought the Daily Mail into it.
Whilst adding nothing to the narrative within this thread, the song never reached no1 in the UK Us BBSs are sticklers for accuracy as we all know