Spent a while looking online at some old team photos tonight and came across this one: Anyone confirm what year it is and name any of the players? Think the keeper is Rimmo but don't know any others? And it appears to be taken in front of what's now the West Stand with the corner of the Brewery Stand and open end in the background but what's behind that? Looks like the pyramids!
Looks like Ted Robledo second left back row, and I think Walt Bennet middle front row. Could be wrong!!!
There's a big hill just off the Trans Pennine Trail which borders Kendray, Oakwell and what's left of Barnsley Main pit. Is that one of the old muck stacks? Before my time. Great views of the borough though.
Thanks PoR - whilst I'd heard of Barnsley Main (my Mum worked for a spell at Wharncliffe Woodmoor and sometimes some of the pits came up in conversation) I'd no idea it was relatively close to Oakwell.
Looking along the half way line to the centre circle puts them in front of the corner of the away end and old brewery stand looking towards Cundy Cross...that would make the pyramids Barnsley Main pit stack..
I lived at the bottom of Cemetery Road up to 1969 and the pit was within easy walking distance. I stupidly used to climb up the one remaining stack now and again. It was still a living thing with fumes and vapours leaking out of it here and there. I was lucky I didn’t get sucked into it!
Are you sure its a Barnsley team because the guy 2nd on the left, back row looks to be a black player and I've no recollection of a black player at Oakwell in the 20's / 30's when I suspect this photo was taken.
As posted above by George robledo that's almost certainly Ted Robledo on the back row 2nd left which dates the photo to 1947-49.
No I'm not certain but assumed so because I thought the keeper is Rimmo. If I'm right then it's between 1945-47 which would seem to coincide with churtonreds post above - 1947? Happy to be corrected though, including if it's not Rimmo.
Yes that was the old Barnsley Main muckstack. Spent a lot of my childhood playing on there and the surrounding fields. We used to call it ‘laikin darn’t Monny. Not sure why it was called the Monny. We used to sing on Barnsley muckstack instead of Ilkley Moor bah tat
The brick structure in the background was a turnstile. I never saw it used but I believe that the club used to charge 6d to transfer from the Spion Kop to the "Paddock" - Brewery Stand to you and me - to seek shelter when it rained. Does anyone remember it being used? The picture was taken before the end extensions to the Brewery Stand were build extending the covered area. As the sign on top of the roof said "End extensions provided by the Supporters Club".You had to build your own stand roof in the old days!