i think a mattress is like a bird, they come in different shapes & sizes, some nice to sleep with, some cause you pain & some cause you restless nights, some are hard, some are soft but all costs you a fortune trying to find the best one and before i trade in my 2020 feminist award for the 2020 male chauvinist pig award.....i found both ;-)
single beds are restricting - what you need to try is sleeping in a double bed by yourself - may mean persuading gf to decamp to the spare bedroom..... But once in a big bed you can find the position that suits you best - probably stretched out.
Memory foam is a marmite subject to be fair, not to be too graphic, but if you are a sweater in bed, then it's a definite no no, I've listened to couples saying that one loves them the other hates them, so a compromise is generally needed, we always guided the customer towards a hybrid mattress, this being pocket sprung (not open coil) 2000 pockets are perfect, with a 50mm memory foam top and then covered with high grade material, hypoallergenic if possible and the mattress should have side vents, this enables the air to circulate throughout the mattress ridding it of smells and odours. As I said earlier do the research, your mattress is a very important piece of kit for your wellbeing, spend wisely and get 10+ good years comfort. For back pain sufferers go for a 2000 pocket sprung traditional mattress, memory foam is not ideal.
you will sleep when you get used to the mattress and you're comfy, i suffer with spondolylothesis (?) ( fractured vertebrae) in my lower back, and it took me 6-8 months and a shed load of tramatell ( thats tramadol washed down with martell) to start and get a good nights kip
A good nights sleep is essential. My tips. Big enough bed to stretch out on. Good expensive mattress. Pillars are important - it has to fit the distance along your shoulder - too little or too much can effect the position of your head and that will effect your spine. Single electric blanket - that you can turn on if you get uncomfortable. Heat is a great soother.
You lot don’t know you’re born! Try a night’s sleep where your other half has just had a hip replacement, so can only sleep on his back (snoring) , your cat is scared of her own shadow, and is constantly running to you, and your age means your legs are burning, but your torso is freezing.
Can you stand with your back against a wall or door, heels pressed back to the door/wall at the bottom and then push the back of your head against the door/wall at the top? If you can't, or it is very painful, and as you say the pain is only on one side, then the chances are it is the S.I problem. Your ligament between the hip/pelvis and spine has probably seized up and needs freeing. What is happening is that your spine and leg are stuck together, thus the pain. They should move separately a bit. Supposedly if you look at your back, or get someone to look at it, there are two "dimples" either side of the spine down near your pelvis. They are the nearest bits to these ligaments. You could try massaging that area as well as trying the stretching exercises.
Thanks to the Chinooks 1g high frequency “bounce” 3 years of flying it effectively eroded my cartilage in between the bottom 3 discs of my lower spine. Long story short, i ended up walking almost doubled in half otherwise trying to stand straight up Was excruciating. I was referred to an acupuncturist who popped a couple of needles in the painful bits of my lower back. The PAIN was 11/10 and felt like a blow lamp had just exploded out of my back. 30 secs later he spun the needles pain now 8/10. 1 min later he pulled the needles out oddly no pain. He asked me to stand up and I was Very Reluctant, slowly I stood up very slowly and amazingly no pain! I hope this helps cos back pain is a bugger.
Agreed, sleep on the side which doesn’t hurt with a pillow between your legs or on your back with a pillow under your knees. I’ve found the following useful for my chronic back pain; 1) yoga for 15 minutes every morning 2) high quality cbd oil. 3) exercise- walking but also weights at the gym- strengthen legs and core especially, squats/lunges.
Ive had lower back pain on one side for years on and off, never enough to go to the doctors with. I've tried sleeping with a pillow between my knees for last few nights and its really worked. Glad i happened upon this thread now. Cheers those who suggested it.
How old is your daughter? She's 27 months. So 2 then? And how old are you grandad? I'll be 83 next October. 82 then.
Looking back, it is a weird way of putting it. I think I was trying to highlight the point that I've been told on many occasions that back pain starts when you're in your 30s, and mine started just over a year in.
I was just being a dìck. I've been telling folk I'm in my late twenties early thirties for the last decade.