If this media leak is true which I am sure it will be, hospitality is screwed. You can't sit at a covid secure table in a pub or restaurant, but you can walk around lots of different types of shops closer to way more people who are moving around all over.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...rolled-out-in-england-to-head-off-tory-revolt I suspect all of Yorkshire will be put in tier 3, so we should get offered mass testing Liverpool have had. It has worked there as the rate has shot down.
I don't know a single person, including the elderly, who is following lockdown rules to the letter. Not because they don't believe the virus is real, but because the government have been so imcompetent with it all. "You can eat midget gems, but only if it's a Wednesday and your barometer is showing change to fair". I'm not saying lockdown isn't needed, but it's obvious that most people are ignoring the household rules etc. It's a common human flaw to think "this one visit won't hurt". We just need vaccines, and we need them quickly.
This isn't a 'circuit breaker' though is it? You go in any Supermarket or School/College and there's bodies all over the place. There's houses mixing left, right and centre. The roads are as busy as ever with people going to work as before - "work from home if you like". All that's basically happened is that the boozer has shut for a month and nothing else has changed - which is what nobody wanted, not even the "lockdown lot"
It couldn’t just be that lockdown doesn’t work, no? 8 months of restrictions we’ve had now, we’ve had full lockdown with schools shut, we’ve had lockdown with schools open, we’ve had regional tiers, we’ve had only go out for thirty minutes once a day, we’ve had ‘slowly gradually releasing restrictions’, we’ve had pubs shut completely, pubs shut at ten and pubs shut unless you can buy a burger and yet whatever flavour of restrictions used have had zero influence on the seasonality of the virus, and yet still people’s answer is ‘no, we need to be punished more’. It is Einstein’s definition of insanity in perpetuity. They. Don’t. Work.
Well I'm sticking rigidly to the rules. In fact, I don't know anybody that isn't sticking to them. All my near neighbours and friends are, as far as I know.
We've never had a full lockdown. The closest we came had non-essential warehouses and many factories still open. And there was a huge reduction in deaths as a result of that what I would describe as a half-arsed lockdown.
I think one benefit is they do prevent the spread and contain numbers on ICUs to an extent. Having said that, though I stringently follow the rules personally I don't think it's a sustainable model long-term. And I dont find any comfort in a government that dont appear to know what they're doing from one week to the next.
Just think what you're saying there. "We didn't have full lockdown. People were allowed jobs" Very easy to call for others to be forced to stop working while in the extremely fortunate position you have found yourself in which has allowed for an uninterrupted employment from the comfort of your home. Sorry if that sounds like I'm having a go but it's true, in your secure work environment it's very very easy to call for others to sacrifice everything.
It’s just a statement of facts thee hasn’t ever been anything approaching a proper lockdown. It’s why it’s dragged on and on because we were so half arsed.
You can say with absolutely zero degree of certainty whatsoever that lockdown caused the seasonal reduction of a seasonal virus as spring turned into summer (I agree that I can’t prove the opposite by the way - but when the greatest destruction of the U.K. way of life in history is entered into by choice, the burden of proof has to be on those wielding the sledgehammer).
The ‘lockdown’ we’re currently in isn’t strict enough to act as a circuit breaker. I don’t know why you’re trying to blame people like me for the government’s decisions?