Can't mix with anyone indoors or out. Can't wait. Really looking forward to the end of Lockdown. Things will pick up then.
Has it given your mental health a much needed boost Jay? After four weeks of lockdown staring at your four walls on your own you can look forward to the festive feeling of four months of not lockdown looking no at your four walls on your own. That has to feel good, no?
Yes that's what I'm saying. It's not a full lockdown if people are still mixing at work. I've been clear from the start what I would do - full lockdown, UBI for all, tax overhaul so that those of us lucky enough to work throughout pay back the UBI. Borders closed with the exception of business/haulage (imports etc.) which are heavily location tracked. I've laid it out in far more detail in other threads and none of the "just let people die" crowd could find anything wrong with it, we'd be in a far better position both financially and health wise, yet you still claim I'm trying to bankrupt the country and claim that I asked for anything close to what the government are doing.
Half arsed way we allowed people to continue to put food on the table and pay mortgages you mean? Maybe we had a huge reduction in deaths due to summer and this respiratory virus following the same path as every other respiratory infection we have ever seen?
You're right, I've long advocated for shutting everything down and not providing any support. In fact I think we should go one further and force all citizens to empty their bank accounts for the privilege of not being allowed to work. And clearly, stopping people interacting has no effect at all on the spread of a virus between people. No relation at all.
Genuine question, can anyone please explain to me the argument that ‘lockdown doesn’t work’ I mean a proper lockdown. It is extremely basic logic: people arent around each other to pass on the virus so there are fewer contagious people by the end of the cycle. As others have said in this thread we are yet to have a proper lockdown but even the one earlier this year made a huge difference. Please explain to me in what way people not being around each other to pass on the virus is not effective in stopping the transmission of the virus? I find it baffling every time. I am not talking about the mental health etc argument either. In basic terms how can you say that people being unable to give each other the virus due to not mixing does nothing to curb the virus? I see it loads particularly from those with flags in their twitter handle.
This. So they tell their media friends first before the official announcement but not those who it affects directly. How about the government keeping schtum until the actual annoucement is made.
No, I think that absolutely would drive down infections, (albeit at a terrifying human cost that would likely dwarf the benefits). And then at the end of the lockdown presumably transmission would restart?
Of course it would it work but you'll never be able to have a 100% lockdown so you will always face the same issue that when you come out things will start to spread. Given the demographic of those at risk and the huge numbers of infections caught in hospital and in care homes, infection control in those settings seems to be the biggest issue.
Having said that though, this French study, the largest peer reviewed study of 160 countries interestingly says the stringency of the measures makes little to no difference in mortality:
Couldn't find anything wrong with it? I could write for the rest of my life and not get close to just how wrong it is. And less of the "just let people die", no one has said that.
Nobody, despite repeated claims to the contrary, wants anyone to lose their jobs either. Somehow though, being in favour of some lockdown restrictions makes you the antichrist and there is no middle ground whatsoever possible. The reality is that neither party want people to die nor lose their jobs and these threads are repetitive and pointless, just as the Brexit threads were before March. It is an excuse for middle aged blokes to aim some pent up frustration at total strangers whilst the real culprits carry on regardless.