The new tier system is in place for 4 months until furlough expires in March. The system will be reviewed every 14 days. The criteria to move between tiers is as follows: - Cases amongst the over 60s NHS pressures R Rate Case per 100K Say goodbye to 90% of the hospitality industry.
But they didnt get out of hand....look at the you tube ...on data, i posted. The stats have been misrepresented and they have been called out on it (think it was whitty) who actually admitted it. The data showed a decrease in hospital even if there was an increase in positive tests this was largely due to more testing and the the false positives due to the imperfections of PCR testing. Interestingly Liverpool have re tested using a new measurement and the positives came back after day one as 0.5% of those tested. Im not saying this one is perfect but liverpool was chosen as a high infected area but the data doesnt back that up.
You're wasting your breath mate. If it's not a State sponsored scientist it's not a scientist. It's absolutely scandalous what happened with Liverpool, it blows the whole rationale for lockdown totally out of the water but they don't want to know. "Lock us up more, master....."
1000 people allowed at indoor sporting events. 2 people meeting indoors from 2 different houses not allowed. 4000 people allowed at a outside sporting event. 15 of you allowed to a funeral to bury a loved one. The tier system and rules makes no sense and Bojo for his own sake had better hope he's right about normality for April.
The new rules are rubbish for pub owners that don't serve meals, they'll be hit the most yet non essential shops can open Its ridiculous
You're absolutely right and I know that. I was just being honest about my decisions and the reason for them. To Caveat it we have limited the people we are seeing to 1 other household and they in turn are only mixing with us. Which is odd from my perspective as I mix with a couple of hundred people at work.
Business haulage may be tracked in the way of which businesses it's been to but it is definitely not tracked in terms of who the drivers have come into contact with, not in any way shape or form. A temporary UBI wouldn't help at all if after a few months the millions receiving them find themselves out of a job because their employer has shut the doors for good so you would have to pay UBI plus billions to replace lost income for businesses in order for them to justify keeping the staff on. On top of that you will have to have some kind of extra UBI for those who earn and spend about £2500 a month otherwise how is Liam in London going to pay his bills on a much reduced UBI?
Of course it helps reduce transmission in the general population but the big killer has always been the transmission throughout care homes where the residents are already essentially in lockdown. Once it's in the care homes, which it is and was from very early on, it will rip through them and kill people and a 20 year old not going to the pub won't stop it from travelling between room 8 and room 9 in a care home. Once it's in schools and unis it will and does rip through them taking the virus home and to grandparents houses. Again, once it's in these settings will a 20 year old not going to the pub stop Sarah from passing it to Jessica at school? Of course it will reduce the chances of it getting into these care homes and schools but the last lockdown and this lockdown and the lockdown in other countries has shown that no you won't stop it getting into these environments without placing the entire country under long term house arrest and even then you've only got to open the doors again 6 months later and guess what? It spreads again. This 'buying the NHS tine' argument falls when you realise that we bought the NHS over 70 years of time and yet within a month of the first confirmed death in this country (not including the guy who apparently died of it in January despite not being tested and his doctor basically guessing) it was so overwhelmed that treatment for cancer and heart patients was being cancelled and we were building temporary morgues
We have different ideas of what we need to do. I could go on at length tearing your opinion apart, but it would do no good at all as I'd just be countering it with my opinion, which is no more valid. I'm sorry for annoying you, I meant to, it was totally intentional, I was annoyed myself, but that's no excuse. My apology is genuine. You can accept it or not. Neither is a reflection on you.