By the time these local tiers end on 31st March they’ll have stolen a full year of their childhoods that they’ll never get back.
They've still had the year. Yes its not what we planned it to be but it is a lesson in resilience and coping with things not going the way you'd hope.
Was watching the TV here in California last night. Failure rates for schools in certain counties have almost tripled in the last nine months and they have no plans on schools being open again until January at the earliest. Failure rates in one county were 22% vs. 10% the year before. It's a car crash here from what I've been watching on the news. Especially with those in power flouting their own rules and Thanksgiving coming up.
On the other hand if it saved their lives they could have handed them seventy or eighty years. Always two sides to a story
I've go two kids and I certainly don't feel that way. If anything, I've watched my kids bond with each other massively throughout the extended periods of time together as a family and on the whole, considering I worked abroad or travelled a lot during the first few years of their lives, I've got some of that time back. Home-schooling has had its challenges at times but as a family we haven't had anything 'stolen' from us.
Who are ‘They’? Whilst I don’t like Tories & they’ve dropped a load of bollock$, it’s a challenge for all of us. I don’t have kids, but look at it as a valuable life lesson, though most will likely lose out academically. I can’t look at it as stolen time. Even though my plans were fcked up royally, I did adopt myself another elderly terrier...
I’m genuinely glad you’ve had a nice time with them - and I have to say that we’ve had more quality time together too as I’ve hugely cut down travel time - but you don’t feel that not being properly educated for a year, being constantly in and out of school, the ridiculous sight of adults wearing masks to collect them from outside school, the stress and anxiety of whether they’ll be allowed to go to school, or see their friends, at times the total lack of social interaction with peers, the banning of sport, you don’t feel that has had a detrimental impact on them? Fair play to you if you think you’ve been able to shield them from the damage of all that, you’re a significantly better parent than me.
On the flip side though, loads of families have had quality time together whilst the parents have been on furlough. That amount of time is something that could only be dreamed of and won’t ever be experienced again. For example, I saw hundreds of photos on Halloween of parents putting on all sorts of activities as a family when normally they’d just take their kids around the streets for half an hour and that’s it.
You need to get off the defensive mate. It's nothing to with who's a better parent than anyone, so give that a rest, please. You made the rather dramatic OP, I'm sorry that my view of it is different to yours. Of course there have been detriments as a result of the situation. However, I naturally don't see life in black and white as many people do and as many people seem to view the Covid situation. There's tons and tons of grey in there too. I also prefer to focus my attentions and energy on resilience and taking a positive outlook. That helps me to form my coping mechanisms and also helps me to put plans together to deal with what life throws at me. It works for me. That's just my view. I wouldn't be giving it if you hadn't made the OP.
So are you saying that the govt and schools are solely responsible for children's upbringings, and due to civic, something that could not be totally predicted, every child has had a great 'stolen' from them? Another one who thinks parents aren't responsible for bringing their own child up are you???????
Yes, yes that’s exactly what I think. Especially that first sentence that’s almost entirely incoherent.
It's really tough for kids facing GCSE's or whatever they are called now. "O" levels in my day. I think a lot of younger kids will catch up but something should be done to help kids doing GCSE's & A levels, even if that means favourable grades to some extent. Your start in life relies heavily on grades. As you get older they don't matter much. I've more qualifications than I can list on a piece of A4 & non of them would get me a job in the real world now, but starting out is different. I hope some proper thinking goes into it, not the **** up that was last year. Even Scotland ****** it up.
And on the flip side of that domestic violence has rocketed. The horror of what has been going on hasn't, for whatever reason, been properly reported by the press. Yet. It will be.
I work for a company who provide support for 35,000 Children Looked After. Every day I speak to people high up in social care in LAs all over the country. I don't evidence from published figures but first hand accounts. There are any number of news articles that are scratching at the surface of what has happened if you want to put 'domestic abuse Covid' in to Google, but you'll not see the official published data until next year some time and not get a full picture for a couple of years.