Scholarly articles on the subject if you really want to read this But they're nowhere near unearthing the full picture yet.
I take it you have managed to stay clear of the vid? After managing to a stay clear for 6 months, working all through lock down myself, my wife and my youngest daughter all caught it from where we have no idea. For 15 days I was using an inhaler constantly, couldn't put a sentence together without getting breathless. Didn't eat for 10 days and lost a stone, luckily all 3 of us came through it my 75 year old dad has just spent 11 days in hospital. 10 of which was spent on oxygen and nebulisers 4 times a day. Lost just under 2 stone, again he has no idea where he picked up from because we have kept away to protect them. The 1st thing he was told when moved to the covid ward was that he wouldn't die alone if the worst came to the worst. Can you imagine how he felt being told that, but you keep thinking your liberty and freedom has been taken away. I for one will keep social distancing, wearing masks and washing/sanitising my hands until this is all over as I don't want to ever feel like I did 3 weeks ago
Fc*k the kids, as Jimmy would say. They've got years ahead of them. I'm rapidly running out. After years of ill health I've finally got some proper years and they're disappearing fast. I'm just a couple of misjudged comments away from civil war. This is the biggest affront to our freedom and civil liberties in our entire history. It's perfectly clear that doesn't matter to many people but it matters to me and I'm ready to fight, and I'm ready to fight now.
Young kids are seemingly developing an immune response and antibodies without even showing up any virus. I think we wohld have had it by now of ours if that werent the case. and i know what you mean about freedom and liberties @Jay but you are labelled a conspiracy theorist if you suggest such things. way i see it is we have broken the economy for years, spent trillions with billions more to be spent on vaccines and testing for something that badly affects under 1% of the population. Yes its bad but so are a lot of other things. Are we stopping people buying and eating highly processed unhealthy foods, have we banned smoking, have be banned driving because of car accidents, then there is the abuse going on? Its horrid whats happened in more ways than just the virus itself but they are now using that as an excuse to usher in all sorts of other changes. They are seemingly trying to change our culture and lifestyles that underpin what living in the uk is all about. And all the rights we are losing - when do people that take away power and rights ever give them back? I just think we need to careful what we all sign up to here. 1-3% of cases from hospitality but they have been thrown under the bus. Supermarkets are a massive source of the problem and it could be mask wearing and people touching masks all the time and packaging plus the bad ventillation causing it - who knows... if the words ‘freedom pass’ that bojo is now bringing in dont make you wonder where all this going then have a think. want to go on holiday you will have to get approval from the government as well as your employer soon. Ive tried to steer clear of all this lately but its horrid watching this unfold knowing what is probably around the corner.
What a well thought out and intelligent comment. You really put me in my place for putting you in the “just let people die” camp. Come up with a ******* alternative that protects the lives and stops the NHS getting overrun and I’m all for it. So far there’s been no alternative presented.
Thanks bud. Still very breathless and scared to go out of the house. But fingers crossed he will make a full recovery
Can’t stop thinking about this comment. Properly ******* mental. Can’t wait to see you on the news marching alongside Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson and a bunch of ******* idiots that think the world is flat and the moon is a hologram.
Without going into detail, I've seen first hand the psychological effect that the much vaunted (on here) lockdown has had on a group of children in the 10 -12 age group and it isn't pretty. How long it will take this particular cohort to recover in terms of education, behavioural and social abilities/skills etc is debatable. I'm sure they aren't unique - that experience can be multiplied across the UK and elsewhere. Parents play a large part of course they do - but what about children in single parent households where the sole parent has to work ? In deprived areas ? In inner cities ? In 'at risk' households ? Not everyone is in a nuclear family with access to learning support, safe outside space and so on. We are storing up a wealth of issues down the line, and I'm sorry but to brush it under the carpet because there is 'no alternative' is obscene. This study in The Lancet is just one that is starting to come out which show the overall ineffectiveness of lockdowns. Social distancing, hygiene, shielding vulnerable groups are all being shown to be the effective measures against a virus. The assumption that 100% of the population is vulnerable and 100% will suffer extreme harms is also being shown to be false. Professor Ferguson and his model which he won't allow to be reviewed have caused untold harms both economically and socially. This clueless Govt seem hooked on them though, wilfully blind to the harms, and quite content to legislate against any alternative scientific view. It's absolutely horrific. It seems to have worked though. Nearly a full year of scaring people has had the desired effect. If this vaccine is proved to be as safe as is suggested then vulnerable groups should be offered it. To use it as a tool to give us back freedoms which have been denied is also obscene.
Come up with an alternative. Please. Anybody. Nobody wants the ******* lockdown. Come up with an alternative. Hospitals are at capacity. I have a first hand account that Barnsley’s ICU was “like a ******* horror movie” only a few weeks ago.
He said a few weeks ago. And people dont instantly go to hospital the minute they contract it either.
Neil Ferguson gets all the abuse, but SAGE were presented with three independent models from different teams (Cambridge, Edinburgh and Manchester *at least* were working on it at the time as well as Imperial) within the UK and all of those had very similar results - especially when it was realized in mid-March that the doubling time was 3-5 days instead of the 10-14 they had previously assumed.