I dont see how that can work unless eveyone bubbles into larger groups I would have thought you need as a minimum alternate rows filled and 2 seats gap between bubbled groups and thats assuming everyone is masked so something around 1/4 capacity should be achievable ie around 5000 should be OK for Oakwell but for Bournemouth its hard to see much over 2500 and keep sensible social distancing. If Manchester drops to tier 2 then United will have 2000 fans in a 76K ground - or one fan for every 35 seats - thats just overkill. Unless the rules have changed Churches which are indoor venues for a regular service can have as many as can sensibly fit into the space and maintain distance + mask guidlines in or small church which has a practical capacity of 100 we worked out 30 seats spit in singles and pairs with 1.5meter distance to the next seat in any direction works. Our parent church which is significantly bigger has worked out that 80 can fit with the same spacing. - I am guessing guildford cathedral can safely hold 200 or more - but for some bizarre reason if the service is a wedding we are all limited to 15 - or for a funeral 30 - the problem is illogical rules with no clear science behind them are hard to sell to the public
It all just seems populist and illogical and with a very narrow frame of reference. I'm sure there will have been little thought that anything besides a funeral or a wedding may actually occur at a church. Until someone points it out to them and rather than going, fair point, we need to tweak that, we missed it, they'll come up with something convoluted and just look bigger idiots than before. I thought there had been work done with clubs to work out safe capacities given the individual characteristics of a give ground and its access points. but that seems long gone now. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the country exits at tier 3 anyway and this issue is just swept aside for a while.
Barnsley's current rate per 100,000 people is 229.3 compared to the national average of 228.2. We are the highest in South Yorkshire with Rotherham 211.4, Doncaster 216.7 and Sheffield 191.8.
Yes.. only hysterical left wing views allowed on here.. If the country is on its t1ts with debt, they'll be no money for any NHS and **** all else besides
That’s got to be a wind up surely ? Let’s stop testing and bury our heads in the sand it will go away ♂️ Apologies if was meant as tongue in cheek
That's as may be, but we will see who is right in the fullness of time won't we? I just hope you can look your kids in the eye (If you have any) when they're older when they're asking you how you could have been THAT gullible and obedient in the face of blatant corruption and ill intent.
I'm a nurse. I have seen first hand what COVID does, it is a horrible disease for the tiny minority who get a bad case of it, my whole argument is that the vast, vast majority of people eho contract it are totally fine (aside from feeling a bit ropey for a while). All these restrictions, lockdowns, guidelines, mass testing of anyone that coughs is ridiculous, unneccessary and I honestly believe that this is all just the beginning. To put it in short-hand, the risk doesn't tally with the response, I just have a view on why this response is manifesting in the way that it is doing that a fair few on here do not appreciate. At the end of the day, whether people think I'm an idiot or not is irrelevant to me, however I would like to point out that my views are geared towards every single person reading this message being able to live a life of freedom and happiness, I don't want to see people miserable, afraid or losing loved ones....
Your opinion is formed having seen much more of the negative effects of this pandemic than I have, and so I am not qualified to dismiss it. However the majority of your peers and colleagues nationally don’t seem to agree with you. I don’t know what the concensus amongst dr’s/nurses is locally or what it is in whatever department you work in - but it does not appear that a majority of front line nhs health and care providers share your view.
Certainly not the ones I have spoken to. In fact even those with the scantest knowledge of infection control (care home workers) are loudly in favour of the govt measures to control the spread.
I think it’s more about fans congregating outside grounds. I used to have to drive passed Old Trafford on a match day and it was carnage in the surrounding areas.
I'd already read it but mainly how it affects gyms. Para 6 b 'gyms and the wider leisure sector will reopen' Devil in the detail Para 58 c 'in the very highest tier, indoor group exercise (including sports) will be restricted to people from the same household or bubble' This means realistically, no exercise classes which is a change to the previous tier 3 restrictions. In the greater scheme of things maybe not too important but I'd like to see the evidence for the change.
You seem a pretty intelligent guy with for the most part a rational argument which I just disagree with. With that in mind, how do you feel about being on the same ‘side’ of this debate as the deep state, flat earth, “the queen is a lizard” gang? Or the same side as Nigel Farage...
How long have you been a qualified nurse out of interest? I usually spend at least one shift a week working at our local general hospital and your view is absolutely not a typical one.