Having had to cancel two trip to UK Easter and Christmas and have flight vouchers with 2 different airlines, the latest rules have got me totally confused as they seem nonsensical.... Currently our region is in the 'Orange band' second highest which translates to a pretty serious lockdown (we can only make essential travel outside our local comune bars restaurants cinemas etc closed. even eating food outdoors in public spaces is banned etc.) This is being strictly enforced with many fines for non compliance being issued every day (according to local media, no warnings just instant fines. Our regional airport has rapid testing for departures (result in 30-45 minutes. If negative you can board if not you cannot fly. That is straight forward. Where I am confused is that on arrival in UK is that test accepted or do we still have to self isolate? It seems illogical if we have no symptoms prior to departure, just been tested negative to then have to pay to have a 2nd test and wait another 24-48 hours for results especially as testing in UK is not mandatory and many people are circulating without even having had one test never mind two. This seems to be yet another example of inconsistency and lack of joined up thinking. As an aside... the lockdown strategy here IS working. Our daily infection numbers had shot up and more significantly % positive of those tested ( amore accurate measure of whether restrictions are working or no)t had crept up to 33-34%. The latest national decrees have been in force around 17 days and a further decree putting us into a higher band regionally about a week. The % of positive has fallen to around 25% as of yesterday. That said, most people are taking precations seriously and the aforementioned fines are largely for people straying out of their own comune areas without sufficient reason.
Grant Schapps has just been on tv talking about something.... https://www.gov.uk/government/news/...s-testing-strategy-for-international-arrivals
probably quicker for the OP to type that into google than to type a page of text and to wait for the replies
I already had done but it does not answer the question I put. There you go again ..... making personal jibes.
me, making personal jibes? Crikey mate, need to get that chip off your shoulder mate. all I said was it's probably quicker to type something in google that to type a page of text. If that's a personal jibe......
New rules are supposed to be announced today, where you might be able to get out of quarantine on arrival after 5 days if you pay the £60+ each for a private test and the result is negative. Expect the details in a week and to be different again depending on how the focus groups like them.