By quite a long way. Tom Kennedy at least looked like a footballer, just a bad one. Gibbs playing football genuinely looked as far away from being a pro as I do when playing golf or snooker. Or sprinting.
Wonder if he played left back when Beresford was ever out injured. If so I am being harsh in Clarke then.
I was just going to say can we add Chris Hemsworth to the list of not so great left backs we've suffered
Won’t stand for Werling of Maccavelli being on this list. Nowhere near as bad as some of the others mentioned. Werling could knock down a brick wall with a shot
And then Broddle got converted, and then Archdeacon after that. Stuart Gray played absolutely everywhere!
During the 1980/81 promotion season, Banks played at left back in the game at Sheffield United as cover for the injured Phil Chambers. His replacement in midfield, Glyn Riley, scored our goal in the 1-1 draw. Chambers had been injured in the first half in the previous match at home to Burnley. That was the game when Banks scored the last minute winner in a 3-2 victory with a long distance free kick.