Sorry, can you give examples of what you mean as I'm not sure as to the point you're making. Other than folk saying I'm going for a (derogatory name for a Chinese) but I assume its not that?
So you’ve never read the press that many many local take away owners get abuse ? Frankly it’s getting boring now stop questioning anybody that has an opinion that doesn’t fit with yours, it’s not North Korea
Just one final question (and feel free to ignore if you're bored) do you feel the same about the playing of national anthems before games and would you rather just get on with the game?
No I’m not but I’m certainly not a lefty liberal either there is middle ground not that either extreme would believe it.
Nothing to do with the subject but I’ll bite, only time I’ve heard it before watching Barnsley would be at a final ( can’t remember if it was played), yes I like it before international matches and don’t object as it has always in my time been done.
As a fully paid up liberal lefty snowflake, how does it stop? There won't be full equality in my lifetime. As sad as that makes me, it won't happen. If I had kids, it wouldn't happen in their lifetime either. Possibly in the lifetime of my imaginary grandchildren, possibly not. So how does it end? Or do we do it forever? If we try to end it, are we claiming everything is alright now, when it won't be? Or do we just do this forever, long after it has lost any meaning? This is why we should never do platitudes. Don't clap NHS workers, just vote for the political party that will pay them more. Don't take the knee, just don't be fk*cking racist. That's not as easy at it sounds. My generation and those before me were brought up in a racist society. Racism is in us. But think before you react, before you say something, be you, not where you grew up, and your true being will come out. Allow yourself to be you. And stop taking the knee, it doesn't do anything. Let's stop it for the right reasons, acknowledging that it doesn't do anything, but we as people can do something.
I'm not as pessimistic as you Jay and fully hope things will have shifted massively in terms of equality in my childrens' lifetimes.
I agree, Helen. I'm not telling anyone to take the knee if they don't want to. But neither would I stop taking the knee because others don't want me to, either.
You aren’t wrong. I genuinely don’t know the answers but doing nothing isn’t an option. it’s telling a man in this thread won’t watch a game of football while taking a knee happens but will watch a sing song to the monarch. My Stereotype o meter has just gone into overdrive.
Apologies, I haven't read the full thread, so if it appears I'm defending someone who said that then I'm sorry, that really wasn't my intention.
no you were fine. Your post raised quite a few valid points. Especially regarding empty platitudes. I didn’t clap for the NHS once, I vote labour. That just seems the logical thing to do
You can agree with parts of what someone is saying. I know there was all the hoo ha about the NHS clap but I did it because I personally knew nurses who appreciated it. And I also included an Internet friend who's country wasnt doing it. Let's take the minutes silence for armistice. Always used to be a minute on the 11.11. 11. That has now moved onto other times and days Would be disrespectful to say it's boring, it's a tiny fragment of time. Just as kneeling for a few seconds is.