I completely see your point - and again I must re-iterate that the restrictions of the last month or so (and the next month) are utterly pointless. But it's certainly not the lockdown that those "extremists" were in favour of regarding the so called "circuit breaker". As someone eloquently pointed out in a previous post, the government are like that referee who piss of both sets of fans. I just think some of your choice of language is a little strong, that's all.
The one that's seen 5 members of staff lose their job where I work. We're now at just over 50% the workforce we were 10 months ago
This does highlight problem with parliament voting system though. If you vote against this tier system, what are you actually voting for? If this is voted down, what happens then? Was the problem during the Brexit deadlock between 2017-19. People (across all sides of the house) able to say what they don't want, but without saying what they do want.
That's not a lockdown though. Those are terrible and horrible job loses due to pathetic government policy.
Yes it is. It's restrictions on life. I wasn't allowed to visit my parents. I was told I cannot leave my home except for specific reasons. That is lockdown.
Disagree. Schools open. Universities open. People 'advised' to work from home. Supermarkets rammed. Public transport packed. Yes they are restrictions. Yes it does not make sense. But it's not a lockdown.
Semantics though innit. Personally I think it’s fair to describe the most draconian restrictions to personal freedoms in peacetime history a ‘lockdown’.
It probably is semantics to be fair. I just don't think it is a 'lockdown'. Not gonna fall out with anyone about it - just passing time on a boring Thursday evening.
Agree the roads have been busy, folk travelling to work as usual. Yep they've banned us going to the pub, retail shops and seeing family. Beyond that lifes been normal. Car park at Elsecar, Wentworth, Langsett and other places for walks have been rammed. Single narrow track walks have been extremely busy. It's been utterly pointless, I've used the takeaway facilities of local cafes and tea rooms. All have been really busy. I really can't see where we've supposedly suppressed the virus. I've stopped going to Morrison's it's nuts. God help on the 2-3 days before Christmas. Where you can buy food goods with long dates and get your veg and meat from local shops.
I don't think the tortured soul of the late Daniel Johnston had this in mind when he wrote this song but it's quite apt - possibly. "Those tears, stupid tears, bring me down”
Its busy cos theyve no where else to go. Cant go out for lunch as a family. Cant go for a trip to meadowhall Cant have a day out at the metrodome Cant meander around town lazily on an afternoon and drink Christmas coffees. Kids cant **** off out with their mates. Etc.
I’ve never seen as many couples in asda as I did last night. It’s like they’d all brought their partners for a trip out. All falling out over what to buy as well, sad *****.
Its what happens when you are spending time in each others company without a release eg the gym football pub cafe etc. Frayed tempers and cabin fever.
All bars restaurants non essential shops etc closed here. We are not allowed to leave the boundaries of our Comune except for emergencies, work or for essential items that cannot be obtained within our Comune area. That means effectively as we are retired we can only use the small local supermarket. It is pretty good but it is limited in what it sells. We also have a local bakery but visits to a big supermarket outside the boundary for fresh fish, poultry other than chicken and non basic foods is banned . God knows what we will end up with for Xmas dinner. Fish fingers probably. The local restaurant just down our road can sell takeaways only but the menu is limited. Even the fried fish van man seems to have deserted us. And planned UK Xmas visit is definitely off again! And all this is just the orange band. God knows what the red band is. Can't even bring myself to look. The one bright spot is in the last week the % positive of those tested has fallen from 33% to 24% so here at least, lockdown appears to be working.
Tesco (and other supermarkets) have requested that you limit the number of family members when you go shopping.